prettier than the view- steve rogers

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@banana571 submitted this to me! Sorry I made a few edits, I put it into second-person POV to make things easier, because this is the formatting for pretty much all my oneshots in this book, I think.

Also I'm extremely sorry for being really inconsistent with updates and for the decreasing quality of my stories, and to those who are disappointed with my work I'm literally so so so sorry :( there's just so much going on right now and trust me I'm trying but it's a real struggle bro


"Y/N? Y/N, honey, you need to wake up. We've got to go." Steve whispered gently as he sat on the edge of your shared hotel bed.

"Come on, sweetheart," he continued, nudging you ever so slightly. However, you refused to get out of bed, rolling over and pulled up the covers over yourself. When he kept pestering you, you eventually started whining childlike in your sleep.

"Steve!" you groaned, desperate to get more rest because you felt tired out of your mind, "I'm tired! We spent all day exploring the city and now you're trying to get me up at two in the morning? Really?"

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I have a surprise for you. All you need to do is move to the truck and I promise you can go back to sleep," he reassured, stroking your cheek as you leaned into his hand.

After a minute you got up and changed into something more appropriate but still comfy. You grabbed your favorite blanket and wrapped yourself in it as you got in the truck, and placed your pillow against the window. Soon, the two of you were settled and Steve started the trip to his surprise. He made a few stops along the way, sometimes alone as his tired girlfriend slept, and other times you would join him to stretch your legs.

At this specific stop, he was getting into the car when he looked her to check on her sleeping figure. You were peacefully asleep, and although you had a bedhead and were drooling slightly, to Steve you looked perfect. He smiled to himself, fixing you blanket while he wondered how he got so lucky.


"Sweetheart, we're here," Steve said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to you.

"And where would that be?" you groaned as she sat up. Once you got a look of their surroundings all traces of tiredness had quickly vanished. "Are we at the Grand Canyon? Did you drive four hours from Vegas to bring us here?"

"Surprise! Give me one second to set up and then you can step out," he smiled, giving you a quick peck on you temple before grabbing a bag. You watched as he walked to the bed of the truck and started unpacking something, but decided to not take a peek for the sake of not ruining whatever Steve had planned.

Once you were finally allowed to get out, he came around to open your door, like the gentleman he was. You couldn't help but grin at how sweet and excited he was as he led you to the back. You found the bed of the truck covered with blankets and pillows, facing the canyon as the light of the sun was slowly starting to show.

"Steve," you breathed, blown away by the romantic gesture. He helped you climb in before hopping in himself, as you curled up together in the blankets. "I- this- its so beautiful." "

I" know one thing you've always wanted to do was visit the Grand Canyon at sunrise. We're in the perfect position so that we can watch it right here."

"You're amazing, you know that?" you whispered while tucking your head against his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. "I love you."

"I love you too doll."

You laid there for a while in a peaceful silence while watching the rising sun. You were over the moon to witness such a sight that you moved to sit on the edge, your legs dangling as you tried to take in as much detail as possible. An idea popped into your head as you decided to pull out your phone. Ever since both you and Steve took a step back from being Avengers they were traveling, and you would send videos to the gang of their latest adventure. "Hey guys! As you already know we made it to Vegas, but Steve drove us to the grandest of all canyons to watch the sunrise!"

Steve slowly made his way over to you and you started talking about different things. After a little bit, he wrapped an arm around you, while holding an opened, tiny little box. It took you a little while to notice, but once you did her jaw dropped. You were just about to put down the camera before Steve took it from you and held it up to make sure he was capturing the moment. "Y/N, you and I have known each for what feels like forever. Although it took us a long time to get together, I'm glad that we eventually did. Taking a step back from our job and just living life with you has been the best thing to happen to me. You are my best friend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm hoping you say yes and let me do just that. So Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?"

"Steve, of course!" you replied teary-eyed, watching as he let out a relieved breath as he briefly put down the phone to place the ring on your finger and to kiss you happily. Once it was back up you two were smiling like crazy at the camera.

"You saw that guys? We're engaged now! I already know that the girls will want to see the ring so I promise I'll send a close up picture." you laughed, leaning against Steve.

"We're going to make our way back home, but it will take some time. So hold off the engagement party until we get there, Stark," he explained, giving the camera a look as if he was talking face to face with Tony.

They said their goodbyes before laying back down on their makeshift bed. "You know, I think I'm going to need a little shut eye before driving back to the hotel." Steve mused as he tightly held onto you, keeping you from moving. "Well, if we're both going to be asleep, which we will, I recommend doing so in the safety of the truck. We have no idea what type of wildlife could be out here." At those words you quickly sat up and gathered all the bedding and threw it in the back seats of the truck, before crawling in on top of them. "Are you coming?"

With a smile she followed, "Yeah I'm coming."

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