falling for my best friend- peter parker (part 1)

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You and Peter got to his apartment, and he knocked on the door. "Aunt May?"

"Yes, honey, coming!" she called and opened the door within a few seconds. "Y/N, it's wonderful to see you again! Come on in," she smiled, ushering you inside.

After eating a quick snack, you went into his room to study.

"So...during break, Mr. Stark is inviting us over for the summer...yeah. But first, we need to study. Or more like a refresher course? Whatever it's called. Beginning of year exams start right after summer if I'm correct."

It was a habit of both of yours, studying weeks, no, several months, before the teacher reminded you to get a head start, since you practically had the memory of an elephant you could study way before the actual exam and get an A+. You liked to 'get ahead of the game', and it was better to stay safe than sorry by reviewing what you learned over the course of the year and to get ahead to prepare you for next year.

"Right." You pulled out your notebooks, flashcards, pens, and pencils, laying them neatly in front of you. "What chapter are we on again?"

"10. So I know we've got everything down up until that point. We just have until 13 and then we're finished."

You were so focused on taking notes that you didn't notice what Peter was doing. Then you looked up to see him in the middle of changing his shirt, blushing when you saw his six-pack.

To be honest, studying would get hard for you sometimes because you were easily distracted.

"Peter!" you scolded. "We're in the middle of something here?"

"But I'm hot," he replied, then smirked when he realized what he said. Swatting his shoulder, you went back to work.

Both you and Peter were part-time Avengers, splitting up about half your time for superhero stuff because you had school to deal with. It was three years ago that you were first introduced to the team, and ever since then you all became best friends. You first met him when you guys were eleven, though. Tony was especially pleased with how well you worked together, including how strong you were, so as soon as he saw you, he knew you had to join.

And because you spent so much time with Peter outside of school, you couldn't help but develop a crush on him. Soon enough, he wasn't just a crush.

You ended up actually falling really hard for him.

As in, falling in love, and you were so confused and didn't know what to do. Watching him fawn over Liz in sophomore year for five months was absolute hell, even though it wasn't even a genuine first love.

You were pretty sure the entire team knew about your feelings, but they surprisingly didn't say anything. Well, you did tell Natasha and Wanda for sure; they were your two best mates besides him, you'd stay up late, eating junk food, while gossiping about anything and everything. And the guys would make jokes about you two any time you made physical contact, whether that was a hug or handshake or high-five.

What really scared you most of all, though, was the thought of getting into an actual relationship with him, and then breaking up and losing more than just a boyfriend.

Two hours later, you finally finished the remainder of your studying, and gave Peter a fist-bump once you took your final note. "Finally," you wiped the sweat from your brow, exhausted. "Wait, so does Aunt May know about the Spider-Man thing?"

"Yeah...and at first she took advantage of that opportunity but then stopped after a bit. She knows about the Mr. Stark thing and spending time with the team over this summer break. And your aunt knows, too?"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now