rescue- steve rogers (part 2)

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pt 2 to the last cringey oneshot

that i thought of off the top of

my head lmao


ok the action scene is very brief and cringey bc I have no ideas on how to write it without it sounding really really bad. so here you go :) my writing sucks in this LMAO


The next few hours after the plans to fly out to New Orleans were finalized, it was chaotic - yet calm at the same time in a way- with everyone rushing around to get things done. Once you had finished slipping on your suit, you came out of the bathroom and caught a glimpse of yourself in your mirror that made you stop and stare for a moment.

Your eyes were heavily lined with dark circles and you seemed as if you hadn't slept or eaten in ages, with your cheekbones that appeared more prominent because of that fact and how you just seemed more tired in general.

Rubbing the sides of your forehead and letting out another long sigh, you shook your head to yourself and went to grab your weapons before heading the hangar bay and loading everything up.

Steve sat down next to you and put an arm around your waist, and you rested your head on his shoulder, staring forward with a blank and hollow look.

"We're gonna have to split up to cover more ground. New Orleans isn't exactly a small city and if we want to get things done faster then that's what we'll need to do," Clint stated as he paced back and forth.

"Split up, pair up with someone and make sure to stick with them the entire time. Don't leave them behind. I don't have the time nor energy to cry over any of your dead bodies," Rhodey said sarcastically. "Hill and Coulson will be on comms if you need them."

"Time to kick some butt," Peter and Pietro smirked, high-fiving one another.

With the exception of a few bloodthirsty demonic HYDRA soldiers wielding daggers that glinted in the moonlight, everything ran relatively smoothly. You and Sam silently agreed to partner up as Tony made Steve go along with Peter and him, and were searching through the warehouse when Steve's voice made you almost flinch.

"Guys," he spoke suddenly through the comms. "Sam, Y/N, where are you?"

"Warehouse, first floor," you replied promptly. "Why?"

"I found them."

"You-you're serious, right?" you spluttered.

"Yeah, I'm on the second floor where they apparently set up their lab, but we need to hurry because we don't have much time left so get your asses over here."

"On our way," Sam replied before you turned your comms off.


Steve was waiting for the two of you at the labs with Bucky, who was helping set the hostages free of their restraints. Your eyes briefly scanned over the area and landed on two all-too familiar figures you knew you'd never miss and you quickly rushed forward.

"Y/N, sweetheart---" your mother whispered and you threw your arms around her before she could finish her sentence. "Thank god you're here, thank god, I'm so glad you came..."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now