catching feels- peter parker (part 1)

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a cliche mission that ends up in

best friends falling even more

in love than they already were


I know I've said this already but THANK YOU GUYS FOR 100K READS! That's INSANE. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that I actually got 100k reads for this crappy piece of a oneshot book with nothing but cliche topics...but thank you anyways!! Love you all <3


Y/N: Heeeyyyyyyyy I need help so what do you do if you accidentally kind-of-sort-of catch feelings for your Avenger best friend???

Peter: ...What??

Y/N: Oh shit. Sorryyyyy wrong text oooopsieeeee

Peter: Y/N...what are you...talking about??

Y/N: Nothing. Byeeeee! Fury's calling us for briefing on stuff so I'll talk to you later byeeeeee

Y/N has logged off.

Peter: ok...

You groaned and fell back against your bed, re-reading the text you'd sent over and over and over until all the words on the screen blurred together into one hazy mass. Now in less than ten minutes, everyone was supposed to gather in the meeting room on the top floor for debriefing on yet another mission. It seemed as if you never got a break.

Going to the meeting also meant having to face him, and there was no way you'd be able to do that without making a fool out of yourself, or having a mental breakdown.

Or both.

"Hey, kiddo, you ready to go?" you heard your Natasha's familiar voice outside your doorway and when you didn't answer after several seconds, she simply pushed the door open and made her way inside.

"You okay?" Natasha placed the back of her hand against your forehead. "No fever. You slept nine hours last night, and ate a decent meal for breakfast. Is something the matter?"

"Nope!" you stood up, plastering a fake smile onto your face. "Couldn't be better!"

"Sweetheart," she placed a hand on your shoulder as you walked side-by-side down the hallway and stepped into the elevator together, "I practically know you like the back of my hand. Something's up that you're not telling me about. What is it?"

You sighed in defeat, knowing there was no way of talking yourself out of this situation and simply admitted the truth. "So I meant to text Wanda about how to handle having feelings for your best friend, but then I accidentally sent that message to said best friend instead..."


"I-it's not-how'd you know it was Peter?" you stuttered, giving her a strange look. "I don't-"

"Y/N. You don't have to tell me directly for me to figure out," she gave you a knowing look as the elevator doors slid open to reveal the clean, white hallway leading to the main meeting room of the Tower, "I knew it since the day you two first met."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "My life is basically a teen rom-com. Sheesh."

"With an action spin to it, in which you profess your love to one another after a hard battle."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now