facetime calls- peter parker

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Peter was away at the Decathlon in DC, which left you all alone at the Avengers compound. Well, not completely alone, you had the rest of the team, but still, he was the only other person within your age range that you could spend time with. So you were bored out of your mind, mindlessly tapping your fingers against the cool wood of the coffee table while channel-surfing on the TV. "Vision? Are the cookies ready?"

"Sure thing," he called from the kitchen, bringing over the plate of snickerdoodles and holding it out so you could take one.

"Thanks." You took a bite out of the warm, freshly baked cookie and sighed in delight: you were a big sucker for anything that was sugary and tasted like cinnamon. It just didn't feel the same with Peter gone, though.

At that moment, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha walked into the living room, taking note of you sprawled across the couch, staring at the TV with a blank look in your eyes while Vision proceeded to click on Pretty Little Liars for you to watch. "You guys alright there?" Bucky asked, looking confused.

"Sure thing..." you drawled, putting an arm across yoru forehead. "I'm doing wonderful."

"No really..." Steve and Natasha looked at you, slightly concered. "Are you okay?"

"No...Peter's gone and he's not coming back for the next two days and I'm so bored...there's literally nothing I can do without him...I'm literally dying without him. I can't wait for him to get back."

"Awww, someone misses their boyfriend!" Bucky teased. "And isn't there other things that you could do without him?

"Shut up, Barnes," you scolded, swatting his elbow with the sleeve of your hoodie. "You guys are just going to make me run laps or spar against Pietro. Last time, he practically knocked the wind out of me and if it weren't for Thor, I probably would've passed out."

"You're acting like him being gone is the end of the world."

"It is!" you exclaimed.

"If you miss him so much," Sam said as he walked in, "why don't you give him a call?"

"But he's still competing right now..."

"He shouldn't be, it's just after dinner. He should be back at the hotel or something."

"Okay...maybe I will." You grabbed your phone and clicked on his contact to FaceTime him. "Guys...you better not say or do anything stupid while he's on call."

They all nodded silently, trying to hide the grins on their faces; they all shipped you and Peter really hard and relentlessly teased you about getting with him.

After only two rings, Peter picked up, his face showing up on the screen. "Hey, Y/N!" he waved.

"Hey," you waved back. "How did it go?"

"We did pretty good, we made it to semifinals. You should've seen Flash, he actually scored us the winning point!"

"Oh, really?" you chuckled. "Wow, how weird. So, how's it over there so far? In DC?"

"It's pretty nice. I got to tour around the White House and stuff."

You continued to speak with him, casually talking about whatever came to your guys' minds. "So," he started. "Any updates on your fabulous love life? Is there any tea that needs to be spilled?"

"Peter, no," you rolled your eyes. "You're acting just like Bucky."

"Hey!" Bucky cut in. "That proves I'm not the only one who thinks you need to find a mans!"

"Ooh, is that Y/N?" you heard a voice say, then seconds later, he turns the screen to Ned. "Hi!"

"Hey, Ned! So does Peter snore really loudly at night?" You bite your lip to hold in your laughter, hearing Sam snort from behind you.

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