i'd rather be with you- peter parker

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in which everyone tries

their hardest to get the two

best friends together


here's another fluffy peter imagine! I have a Steve imagine lined up in my drafts right after this one so expect to see that within a few days :)

My hoe brother secretly read one of my oneshots (I have this open in a separate tab and when he was closing tabs he found out and he went "I read your writing and it was about cap coming home n seeing his daughter or sumn?" BITCh why the fUCk you even tryna read it bro I know ur closing tabs but you didn't hAVE to read it)



Y/N: Whaaaaaaaat

Peter: I'm boreeeeeeed

Y/N: ...and what do you want me to do about it ???

Peter: Binge the 100 with me. Season 2's finale is waiting for us!!

Y/N: Ugh fine. Then I call first dibs on the fluffier blanket.

Peter: No fair!

Y/N: Then no Netflix. Or you can wash the dishes for dinner tonight.

Peter: Fine! Some best friend you are :(

Y/N: :))

Y/N: Just friends...ok then...ok...yeah...some way to play with my heart...huh...ok


You let out a long sigh and got up out of bed, lazily walking down the halls to the compound's lounge. Right as you were about to take a seat on the plushy sofa, though your feet gave way beneath you and you slipped and fell, your back smacking against the pillow that had tripped you.

Peter laughed and pointed at you as he walked in, but his momentary victory in seeing your mishaps was quickly cut short when he slipped backwards on that same pillow as well and hit his head against the hard floor.

"Karma," you snorted, lightly smacking him on the shoulder as you settled back against the couch cushions, "and you're lucky you're on team Bellarke too, because if you weren't you'd probably be dead by now."

"Yeah, I wouldn't risk you eating all my cookies," he elbowed you in the side and casually threw an arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "Can't have that."

"Stop it, you're suffocating me," you struggled against his grip, "damn, why do you have to be so strong?"

"I'm Spider-Man. Period."

"You're stupid. Period."

"I hate you."

"I hate you more."

"Just kidding."

"Ditto. With the exception that you stop stealing my cookies."


tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now