oh, how patriotic!- steve rogers

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"HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY, LOSERS!" Pietro yelled, zooming in with Peter on his shoulders, who was currently munching on a Pop-Tart that Thor had given him.

"You know what that means!" Peter hollered, cupping his hands over his mouth.

Clint hopped down from the vents, wearing bead necklaces of red, white, and blue. "PAR-TAYY!"

"Did someone just say party?" Tony raised his eyebrows up and down, sauntering into the living room with his usual morning cup of black coffee.

"It's the fourth of July, Mr. Stark," Peter nodded excitedly, "and we want to throw a barbecue party because the backyard is huge!"

"Ooh!" You immediately set down the book you were reading, coming over from where you were sitting at the kitchen counter and plopped on the couch. "A party! I love myself a good barbecue."

"Hey Tony, we should invite Stephen, T'Challa, you know, everyone," Pietro suggested. "Because we're a pretty awesome superhero gang."

"Sounds like a plan."

"SHURI!" Peter squealed.

Steve stumbled into the living room, slumping onto the couch right next to you, leaning into your shoulder and groaning tiredly. "Guys, it's too early for you to be so loud..."

"It's 9 o'clock, Cap," Sam pointed at the clock. "That's not that early."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today, huh?" you teased, poking his shoulder, which earned you a small smile from him.

"When you're constantly surrounded by idiots 24/7, I think you'd feel the same, too," he sighed, covering his face with a pillow in an attempt to block out the light so he could sleep.

"I'm not stupid!" Bucky exclaimed.

"You can be," you and Steve said in unison.

"Buck, I love you, but you can do some pretty stupid stuff sometimes," you shook your head, trying to hide your smiles.

"I got to say, that's kind of true," Bruce admitted as he walked in, "last time you slipped on a banana peel and then crashed into the fridge which resulted in that huge bruise on your forehead that wouldn't go away for a week."

"In my defense, I didn't know that was there!"


"POOL PARTY!" Pietro and Peter screeched.


After much grumbling, Steve finally got up and decided to help with the decorations for the upcoming party. You were tasked with dragging him off the couch and boy, was that difficult. When someone's half a foot taller than you, and outweighs you by at least forty to fifty pounds, trying to pull them off the couch and into a standing position was hard.

It's not that he hated the Fourth of July. In fact, it was his favorite holiday because, well, he was Captain America and you couldn't get more American than Steve Rogers. He just hated waking up. He wasn't a morning person, you see. But he somehow found the will to get up and get dressed into the most patriotic clothes he had, coming out in a USA t-shirt and shorts with stars and stripes.

And you couldn't help but notice how his chest looks really defined when he wore tight shirts.

Not that you were looking on purpose, of course.

Pietro comes zooming in again with more red, white, and blue necklaces, handing some to you, which you put on. It was just after lunchtime, and T'Challa, Shuri, and the others had just arrived about half an hour ago.

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