undercover- peter parker

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in which two friends whose

feelings about each other quickly

change after going undercover


im sorry im so bad at action scenes, but this was requested and I thought it was a really clever idea so here you go. i apologize if this didn't meet ur standards :(

also this is unedited bc i wrote most of this late at night reeeee

also i went thru and edited this bc i found some typos


"Party of four, under Robert Smith?"

"This way, please."

You linked your arm through Peter's and you, him, Clint, and Natasha followed the waitress to your tables right across from each other.

"You see them yet?" Natasha murmured into her wrist communicator as she placed the velvet-red napkin over her lap, covertly sliding her gun from her purse into her thigh holster, and you did the same once seeing her do this, slightly lifting up the edge of your navy blue dress. "Y/N?"

"No..." you muttered as you observed your surroundings, unable to catch anything suspicious about the scene around you. "Clint?"

"Not yet," the archer replied, "and you, Pete?"

"I don't think they've arrived yet..." Peter's eyes narrowed as he glanced back towards the entrance. "We'll keep an eye out for 'em."

"Roger that."

"So, I heard the seafood pasta here is really good," Peter spoke up to break the awkward silence that had fallen between you since you'd been seated, "and the pizza."

"Not pineapple, right?" you raised an eyebrow at him as you took a sip of water, "If it's pineapple, I'm out."

"In case you're forgetting, this is an Italian restaurant, not Hawaiian," he reminded you. "So no, it's not pineapple pizza. That stuff's nasty."

"Are you kidding me?" Sam groaned into his mic as he sat around in the lounge with the others back at HQs. "You kiddos really suck at this stuff."

"What do you mean, Wilson," you sighed as you fiddled with your necklace. "Don't be weird."

"Is this really y'alls idea of flirting?" the Falcon scoffed. "You guys are supposed to pose as couples to divert attention from yourselves, not act like some twelve-year olds debating over whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not."

"Come on, kick things up a notch, will ya?" Pietro took the mic from Sam's hands, "Even Bucky could do better, and you know he's terrible at acting. Tony is standing behind me right now, Y/N, and he says if you don't play your part he's taking away your car when you get back."

"The agents haven't even arrived yet, Speedy," you rolled your eyes, "don't need to keep up my act when there's no one around to watch."

"Actually," Peter began, kicking your foot under the table, "keep a close watch on that table of six up front. They're looking pretty suspicious. Nat, Clint, did you get that?"

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