in the woods- steve rogers (part 3)

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"Really, Romanoff?" He raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Why is this necessary?"

"I'm trying to prove a point."

"Fine. Well...first off, she always knows how to cheer people up even on the worst of days, so if I was going through something, all I'd have to do was look at her and I'd feel happy again. People always talk about how laughter is like music to your ears, and they really were all right. She's taught me not only how to become a better person, but how to move on even when things felt impossible. But we were never destined for a relationship of any sort. I try not to expect anything more than friendship, because you know how well that worked out for me last time---"

"No, Steve," Natasha sighed, rubbing her forehead, "the way your eyes lit up when you talk about Y/N...that isn't something that someone who cares for someone as a simple friend would do. You're clearly in love with her."

"She doesn't feel the same way, so I might as well give up," he said nonchalantly, although on the inside, his heart was breaking a little. He could take a bullet to the stomach, but the idea of you not feeling the same way as he did destroyed him even more.

"'re tired, too. Get some sleep, and we'll talk about this in the morning. We have a big day ahead of us. Okay?" She patted his shoulder and he nodded, standing up and climbing up to the top of the bunk you shared with him.

The last thing he thought of was before he fell asleep was you and your infectious smile, lighting up the world.


"Steve? Steve! Wake up!" He woke up to someone jumping on his bed and was about to give them a piece of his mind but stopped when he saw you there at the edge of his bed, smiling and hopping up and down like a child.

"Oh, morning," he mumbled as he ran a hand through his hair and yawned, cracking his knuckles.

"Nat said that you were being a 'slow-ass' so she told me to wake you up since she doesn't want to wait for you." You walked over to the mirror, brushing your hair back into double French braids.

"Oh, ha ha," he chuckled, "remember last time, we almost left her behind when we went on a mission because she slept in?"

"Yeah, that was funny," You recalled the memory of when she barely had time to suit up and grab her weapons before hurrying onto the Quinjet.

"Come on," he said once you were both ready. You walked out towards the picnic areas again where the rest of the team was.

"Ah, the lovebirds are awake! Did you sleep well?" Tony was sitting on one of the fold-up chairs, eating some bread.

You blushed slightly before replying. "Yeah."

"So...guys...we all kind of gave up on the whole Game Week thing, there's really no use in fighting because---"

"Face it, Team Cap prevails!" you giggled. "Team Iron Man forfeits!"

"Oh, whatever. You guys are free to wander, but meet back here by lunchtime, because afterwards, we're going to the waterfall." With that, he shooed you off, going somewhere with Pepper and some agents to talk about boring adult stuff or something like that.

You strayed away from everyone and crept away to a clearing where there was nothing besides a few fallen logs, bushes of wildflowers, and tall, sprawling redwoods that appeared to touch the sky.

Sitting down on one of the logs, you took a deep breath, inhaling the soothing smells of the forest. Scents of pine and earth filled your nostrils and you sighed, savoring it all. Finally, some time to yourself, where you could just relax and enjoy Mother Nature at her best.

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