restless days- peter parker

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a fluffy cute lil oneshot about

an insomniac and having

feelings for your best friend


Finally back from my temporary updating hiatus! I'm really sorry I haven't been updating lately. The past few weeks were really tough and I was struggling a lot because there'd been so many things dumped onto my plate at once that was becoming too much for me to handle, including finals and trying to maintain good mental and social health.

Thank you to those who were so patient with me throughout everything, though, I know I'm the worst at keeping promises but I try my hardest to make things work:/ and to those who actually enjoy my writing. I don't understand haha I'm literally so bad at writing ripppp

Anyways, on with the oneshot! Enjoy :) It's really cringey with a cringey ending yeet yeet


"Hey, Y/N," Peter called as he walked into the lounge, "are you in here---"

He paused and stopped short when he saw you splayed across your beanbag chair, a completely hollow and dead look in your eyes. You were mindlessly tossing a baseball up and down in your hand as you stared up at the ceiling.

"Y/N, what's up?" he sat on the couch by your spot and brushed your hair away from your face, "are you okay?"

"72...73...89....957...74...71..." you mumbled, barely blinking. "71....73...71...71...71..."

"When...when was the last time you got any sleep?" the boy asked carefully.

"71...71 hours...71..."

"Oh geez," Peter said breathlessly and pressed his fingers to his temples, "you gotta get some rest. Come on, I'm gonna take you back to your room so you can sleep, alright?"

You didn't protest like you usually did when he scooped you up into his arms and made his way upstairs to your room. He gently laid you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you, smoothing your hair back. When he felt how hot your forehead was he almost jerked back his hand in shock.

"Hey look, the walls are moving," you lifted a hand up as if you were going to try and touch the ceiling, a dazed smile crossing over your face. "Ooh, butterflies...pretty..."

"You're hallucinating," he murmured, growing more and more worried. "If you don't sleep now, you're going to go insane at one point. You're already getting kinda sick."

"I love you, Peter," you mumbled, the goofy grin still plastered on your face, "you're so amazing..."

Even though you were only half-conscious, the two words sent heat spreading throughout his body, burning his face.

"Look," Peter sighed, "I gotta go now. I have a training session with Clint and then Bruce needs me in the labs for one of his studies."

"Mhm, bye," you lifted your hand up again and let it flop by your side, still barely conscious. "See you."

He couldn't stop smiling even after he left, so when Sam passed by him he recieved a confused look.

"Helloooo, earth to Spidey?" the Falcon questioned.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now