betting on it- peter parker (part 1)

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"My god," Pietro said abruptly, startling you and causing you to jump about ten feet in the air from your spot on the couch, where you were casually reading a book. "You guys are so stupid."

"What?" You raised an eyebrow, unsure of what was going on.

"I'm not sure which one's worse, Spidey's face when you walk past him without a greeting, or when you don't spend any time with him at all."

"Drop it, Speedy," you sighed, closing your book and tossing it onto the coffee table.

"Drop what? You want me to stop and jump off the Inferno-Spidey ship? No way!" He gave you an innocent look. "I'm doing nothing wrong!"

"Look, Maximoff," you groaned, giving the speedster a hard stare. "He does not like me that way. We're just friends. That's all."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I bet you that Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-Man, has zero interest in me whatsoever," you rolled your eyes. "Because he doesn't see me as anything more than a friend."

The corners of his mouth turned up in a grin. "What...are you telling me that you are willing to bet on it?"

"I sure am. How about this. I ask him out, and if he says no, then you will buy me food for a month and do all my chores. Without using your powers."

"You seriously wouldn't make me buy you bubble tea twice a week, would you?" he snorted. "And chicken nuggets every Friday night? Tony always demands that you need to share with him."

"Oh, I would," you smirked.

"Fair enough. But what if he says yes?"

"Then I'll do all your chores for a month and also buy you food. Same thing."

"Shake on it."

"We got ourselves a deal, Pietro," you stated as you shook his hand.

"Oh ho ho, this is going to be so awesome," he chuckled, rubbing his hands together and grinning evilly. "I am totally going to tell Tony and my sister about this epic deal. You're going down, little child."

"I'm seventeen!"


You shoot the middle finger up towards the security cameras, knowing that Tony and Pietro were huddled together, laughing and watching you from somewhere.

You never should've made that bet in the first place, especially with someone like Pietro, who was extremely strict with rules and got straight to the point with everything.

Letting out a deep breath, you shook out your hands and walked downstairs into the basement, where you knew that Peter was training with Clint for his afternoon session. "Hey, guys," you greeted, waving at the two.

"Hey," Clint says as he continues shooting arrows at the red and white target.

"Hi, Y/N!" Peter turns around to wave at you, smiling.

My god, those thought to yourself, noticing how his muscles stood out from his tight-white T-shirt. Come on, Y/N, just ask now, just ask, it's just a simple date, nothing huge... you repeated in your head over and over.

"So, Pete," you finally asked. "You want to go out with me?"

"W-what?" He immediately stopped punching his punching bag, and you've never seen his face so red, until now. "A date?"

You smirk inwardly at the fact that you've made him nervous.

"Yeah, what else does 'do you want to go out with me' mean?"

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