safe haven- peter parker

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where he comforts her and

is her safe haven in times

of need


this oneshot sucks and the ending is really cheesy. but it was sitting in my drafts and i wanted to get it published so here ya go !

WOW two updates in a day I am insane. ok

PSA if you haven't figured it out already. i'm in love with the 100 series. bellamy and clarke better get together and stop jumping around from person to person like fuckboys or doing nothing to progress their relationship or im gonna lose my shit i swear


"Y/N? Coulson's on the line and he's asking for you. Might wanna come over and pick up, this sounds important," Tony held out his phone to you and you took it, holding it up against your ear. How serious did the situation have to be for Phil himself to call you or one of the others directly? You couldn't seem to recall any other occasions in which he'd done the same thing, either.

"Y/N, you there?" Phil questioned.

"Yep," you replied, "there was something you wanted to inform me about?"

"I have good news and bad news. Which one would you rather hear first?"

"Good news."

"Alright then. The SHIELD operative teams deployed for three months in Colombia were successful in completing their mission, so you guys will be taking a break for a bit unless something else comes up."

"And the bad news?"

"The bad news..." he paused for a moment, and you grew worried upon hearing the slight uneasy edge to his tone. It didn't sound normal. "Not everyone made it back."

"Who didn't make it?" your brows furrowed together as you tapped your foot nervously.

"Out of 24, 7 didn't. Your older brother was killed in action as they were making their escape. I'm sorry."

"What?" your voice raised by several notches, causing the others around you to look at you in confusion. "That...that can't be possible..."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he offered, in a much calmer tone than before, "but for now, just take your time, alright? We'll make any other necessary funeral arrangements if needed. It'll take place two weeks from now."

"Okay," you replied as your hands began shaking violently, "I'll see you then. Bye, Phil."

"See you later."

You let out a long breath and handed Tony his phone back, trying to steady yourself and still in shock over what you'd just been told.

"What happened?" the billionaire observed your pale, grief-stricken face, "Y/N, honey, what's wrong?"

You couldn't seem to find the right words to speak and simply stood there, shaking your head as tears started stinging at the corners of your eyes and began blurring your vision.

"He's dead," your voice came out in barely a whisper, "he didn't make it. Tried to escape but he was too late. They caught him and-"

Nobody said a single word and the entire room fell silent, unknowing of what to say.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now