mistletoe- steve rogers

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Christmas was in two days, and the Avengers HQs were looking very spirited, thanks to yours and Natasha's creativity and passion for decorating. A giant Christmas tree that towered over everyone was in the corner of the lounge, waiting to be decorated with ornaments, garlands, and lights.

Natasha dragged the boxes out of the basement, panting as she tossed you the garland. You hung it over the tree, gently draping it over the branches.

At eight thirty in the morning, you were up and ready to prepare for the holidays. Everyone else just decided to sleep in because, why not? It was the holiday season and no one really cared about being productive unless it had to do with Christmas cookies and staring at them under microscopes (who came up with that idea and how Bruce approved it, you didn't know, but suspected Bucky and Sam had something to do with that).

"Ornaments," you said, and she gave you the ornaments to hang up.

Not only were you a master decorator, you were also extremely fast at your job, meaning you had everything finished in just a bit over fifteen minutes. Natasha grabbed one of the two ladders you had and dragged it over to hang up the star, and once she climbed back down you two stood back to admire your work, fist-bumping one another.

Thor pulled up a chair to the island in the kitchen, munching on holiday-themed Pop-Tarts. Tony and Steve (your best friend on the team and someone you accidentally fell for) hobbled into the kitchen, their hair all messed up.

"Morning," Tony mumbled groggily, getting himself some cereal.

Steve gave you a quick hug and then he just slumped down on the couch, hugging a pillow to his chest. It was cute when he acted childish - contrasting to his typical serious demeanor.

"Tony, is there a reason behind why you wanted to drag us out of bed at this hour? We don't even have anything to do today. You don't even give us any wake up calls for missions."

"9 o'clock isn't that early. You're just lazy."

Then, you almost fell off the ladder while hanging up the wreath when Thor gave you a jump-scare.

"Thor!" you screeched. "I could've fallen off!"

"Apologies, Lady Y/N," he replied, giving you a hand. You climbed down from the ladder with his help and dusted yourself off, heading to the kitchen to grab some toast.

"Hey, Dad," you asked Tony, "are we throwing another party this weekend?"

"No, we're going to spend Christmas together, just us. I think we should be spending more time together outside of missions and oh---speaking of Christmas, we should probably head out to get gifts soon. I'm not going to sit here all day."

After breakfast, the team piled into different cars and went off to go shopping. You went with Natasha and Wanda in a sleek, black sports car (that made you feel like a celebrity every time you rode it).

"So," Wanda started. "Now that there's no missions ahead of us. Any updates on anyone's love lives? Y/N, I know yours is very interesting..." She smiled. "Anyone you have feelings for at the moment?"

"Uh, no, I don't," you lied. "I don't know where you got that from!"

"She does," Natasha said for you. "I think---no, I know she has a thing for Rogers."

"Shut it, Nat, I don't have feelings for him. We're just really close. He's known me forever and besides, we don't even have the time for relationships!."

"Sure, sure, say what you want. I knew you liked him from the moment you first joined the team. Wanda, did you see it too? Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this way."

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