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edit: I've decided to republish this book purely for the cringe factor & that yall can look back and laugh :) the avengers tower fics are elite.

helloooo and welcome to my *extremely* cringey book of spider-man and captain america imagines!

this book will be divided into two parts: this first half will be all peter oneshots, and the second half will be all steve oneshots.

by no means am i a professional writer of any sort. i write for fun, and i'm not perfect so my oneshots may suck. scratch that, i'm not a pro, i really suck at writing. but here i still am!

the earlier oneshots are very poorly written, you'll be able to tell which ones those are as you are reading through. however, if you're fine with reading cringey old material, then you can go ahead and read them-but don't say i didn't warn you :0

please do not plagiarise! i spend a lot of time on coming up with these ideas and editing them, and sometimes i'll stay up until very late to do so. if you republish my work without credit, it is considered STEALING. if you publish it and claim it as your own, it is considered stealing. if you do any of these things, then i'll send thanos and the winter soldier after you. thanks :)

some basic facts about me:

1. o have an unhealthy obsession with Nature Valley granola bars and cheese.

2. i'm 5'2 and currently a junior in high school. a majority of this shitty book was written in middle school and freshman yr. my writing has gotten much better since then. you can see much more of my better stuff on tumblr @kyber-crystal !

3. i hate ice cream, ranch, salad, and deep-dish pizza, pineapples, Coca-Cola, and basically every other drink besides tea and water.

4. i'm Korean-American.

5. i hate school and i wish i could take a 27 hour long nap, because that's what i really need right now.

6. i've been to 13 states and 10 countries, but i've been out of the country more than I've been in the country.

7. my sleep schedule is very fucked up.

i hope you enjoy this chaotic mess & have fun reading!


i just had to add some Steve and Peter gifs here bc they're just too perfect

 i just had to add some Steve and Peter gifs here bc they're just too perfect

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tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now