hard to move on from you- steve rogers

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a story where neither time

nor war can keep them

apart from each other


this is an endgame au! bc I'm still in denial, Tony and Natasha are alive. Y/N will be in Natasha's place for the beginning scene just so you know :) I thought since I've never done an endgame imagine I might as well do it now! Sorry it's dialogue heavy in the beginning (dialogue belongs to marvel btw lol) but it moves the story along a bit better lol

to make up for my stupidity here's a long imagine (2500 words) !


Five years had passed since Thanos had snapped half the world's population, and the Avengers scattered. Few of you stayed at the compound, as the rest had gone off somewhere in the world to do their own thing. You kept trying to keep faith in the fact that things would work out soon enough, but after so many innocent lives had been lost, you were now beginning to question yourself if things really would be okay.

"Yeah, we boarded that highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged," you listened to Rocket update on his status as you sat quietly cutting up a PB&J.

"It was an infectious garbage scow," Nebula quickly corrected.

"So, thanks for the hot tip."

"Well, you were closer," Carol glanced over at the two as Rocket made a face.

"Yeah, and now we smell like garbage."

"You got a reading on those tremors?" you questioned as you stood up from your seat and peered closer at the screens in front of you.

"'Twas a mild subduction under the African plate," Okoye replied.

"Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?"

"Y/N. It's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it."

"Carol," you placed your hands on top of the table, "are we seeing you here next month?"

"Not likely."

"What? You gonna get another haircut?" Rocket sassed.

"Listen, fur face. I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets."

"Alright, alright," he sighed, "that's a good point, that's a good point."

She then turned back to you. "So you might not see me for a long time."

"All right," you shrugged, "well...this channel's always active, so if anything goes sideways, anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't...comes through me."

"Okay," everyone replied in unison.

With a final "good luck" from Carol they all logged off, until Rhodey was the last one left behind.

You sat back down and sighed. "Rhodes, what about you?"

"Mexico. The Federales found a room full of bodies," he answered with his arms crossed over his chest, "it looks like a bunch of cartel guys...never even had a chance to get their guns off."

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