heart eyes- steve rogers

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Eat, sleep, train, repeat. Outside of the missions you went on, outside of all the bad guys you'd fight when you went on those missions, you lived a restless life and barely ever got to sit back and relax. On the days that you weren't stuck in the gym all day, you were helping Bruce and Tony, your father, in the lab with conducting their experiments, solving the scientific equations, or taking all the notes when one of them had too much on their plate to do so on their own.

Peter would sometimes come down to join the three of you and you'd strike up conversation with the kid as you worked on the equations together, whether that be about how his day at school had gone or the upcoming missions, or just anything at all. Hardly ever did you see your best friend, Steve, anymore---as he was extremely busy as well. The only times the team gathered together were at dinnertime at the end of the day, but that was pretty much it.

It was around 4:30, and you, Bruce, Tony, and Peter were still waist-deep in piles of work. But it served as a good distraction opportunity, so it was something you looked forward to doing each day although it was quite time-consuming.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" the teenager looked up at you in concern, watching you stare blankly at the computer screen and mindlessly typing in your notes, rubbing your red-rimmed eyes every few seconsd. "You look tired."

"Huh, I'm okay, Pete," you smiled softly at him, ruffling his hair. "You good back there?"

"I found another error in this part of the equation," Peter pointed down at the paper and you squinted your eyes as you leaned down to look at it. "Mr. Stark just calculated it incorrectly, so I think that's why our entire procedure was thrown off."

"Kiddo, how did you find that out?" you looked at him in partial shock, and awe. "I couldn't find it the first time I did the run-through!"

"I feel awake, and you're tired," he explained simply. "That's probably the reason behind why you couldn't find it. I mean, it's pretty obvious. How much sleep did you get this past week?'

"Uh...five hours?" you thought for a moment.


"You didn't sleep much either."

"At least I get five hours of sleep a day," he reminded you, raising an eyebrow at you in response. "That's better than in a week."

"I don't know," you shrugged, "I just can't sleep. Have you seen Steve or bickering Sam and Bucky today yet? Nat told me that he came in from his afternoon training session just a few minutes ago, but I haven't run into him still. I've been looking for him these past few days."

"Yeah...I've seen them...wait...what about Cap?" Peter scrunched his nose up in confusion, then his eyes widened when he realized why you were asking about him. "Oh my god! Do you have a crush on him? That's why you ask me about him and talk about him every day!"

"Seriously, Pete?" you grabbed his arm and hissed into his ear, "If Dad overhears this conversation he's not going to let me hear the end of it. I'm not going to put up with his and Buck's endless teasing, not to mention Clint and Natasha's fangirling. And if you tell him, I don't care if you're only 15, 16, I will send your secrets down with you to your grave."

"I already know you like him," Tony called in a sing-song voice across the room as he handed Bruce a slide to look at underneath his microscope. "Bruce told me!"

"Bruce! Why?" you questioned.

"You're a grown woman and you weren't taking matters into your own hands, so I had to let your dad know so he could figure out what to do," the scientist informed you. "Sorry."

You let out an annoyed breath of air and leaned back in your seat, re-editing the spreadsheets that you'd planned out the week before.

Some time later after Wanda brought the four of you your sandwiches for dinner around 6, since you had to stay down in the labs to work, you felt your eyes droop heavily from fatigue.

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