◾ Fuck You Damon◾

669 28 30

Fuck the gif🤤---

P.O.V: Caroline Forbes

Caroline: I am soo hungry these

Elena: I know what you mean . When i had stefanie in the oven i was constantly craving food.

Rebekah: Stfu elena , this isn't about you.

Elena: How dare-

Hayley: Don't even bother there are children here.

Caroline: God i cannot stop eating.

Stefan: She craves weird combinations.

Caroline: I can't help it!

Stefan: Yesterday she had waffles with pasta sauce...

Bonnie: Oh my god.

Kol: Is that even legal?

Rebekah: Ew.

Tyler: Holy moly.

Caroline: Stop judging guys! The
Baby wants it.

Damon: You eat like a whale( 🐋).

Hayley: You did not just went there-

Alaric: Have a nice funeral Damon.

Jo: You were a well nice Friend , we will miss you.

Damon: Why are you guys saying things like that?

Elena: Not to scare you damon but look behind you...

Damon: Oh f**k

Klaus: Hasta la vista baby.


Davina: Kol don't laugh!

Kol: well he should have realised never to mess with a pregnant lady😂.

Enzo: He dug his own grave🤦🏻‍♀️.

Stefan: He forgot Care was still a vampire🙂.

Elena: Let's stop them before things get out of hand.

At 6:30 pm

Caroline:  Hey guys!!!

Kol: ..

Bonnie: ...

Enzo: ....

Elena: .....

Rebekah: ......

Hayley: ......

Caroline: What?

Elijah: Is damon still alive?

Damon: Yes very much.

Caroline: He deserved it anyways.


Elena: Damon No!

Damon: 🙄

Bonnie: Never miss with a women especially if they are pregnant.

Stefan: Didn't you already learned your lesson when elena was pregnant?

Damon: Don't remind me.

Enzo: Haha yes i remember. We were going for a triple date and elena's clothes weren't fitting her anymore because of her baby bump and he said he was surprised that the clothes lasted this long😂.

Rebekah: No he did not-

Elena: Oh yes he did.

Damon: Oh come on , so much for saying the truth.

Caroline: Fuck you damon

Elena: Fuck you damon.

Hayley: Fuck you damon.

Bonnie: Fuck you damon.

Rebekah: Fuck you damon.

Jo: Fuck you damon.

Davina: Fuck you damon.

Camille: Fuck you damon.

Kol: Hwhahahwushzbsjsjjsjs

Alaric: I am not getting in this mess.

Stefan: He is sleeping on the couch for sure today.

Klaus: For the first time i pity him.

Elijah: 🤦🏻‍♀

Enzo: He never learns.

I soooo badly want tvd s9! I like legacies but its not what we expected. When are we gonna see stefanie?😭 I think we should do a petition lol😂. Comment who is your favourite character , toodles!💗

~Peace , Nitya❤️

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