◾ Katherine' turn today ◾

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       ( Someone special appearing )
             P.O.V :- Stefan Salvatore

Katherine :- Stefannnn 😘

Seen by Stefan Salvatore.

Katherine :- oh hello ? Why are you putting me on seen ? You know i love you soo much Stefan .

Damon :- That's not what you said that day 😏.

Elena :- Are you hitting on her DAMON !?

Katherine:- They still have the "hots" for me you know . I am the better doppelganger 😉.

Caroline:- Oh shut up Katherine.

Damon:- Firstly , I don't care about Aunty Katherine . And secondly she was hitting on me as usual. I think Stefan hasn't been giving her attention .

Katherine:- Oh stefan has always been the better man.

Stefan:- Can you stop it for
Once ? I am sick and tired of you 😓.

Katherine:- so why haven't you blocked me yet stefan ? 😏 Ik you still love me 😘.

Stefan:- you literally change
Your number and you do that every time whenever i block you 🙄.

Rebekah:- Typical Desperate Katherine 🙄. Once she gets over with stefan she will run to elijah.

Katherine:- What's up with your love life Rebekah baby ? I guess its sucks just as you 🙂.

Rebekah:- unlike you i have found the love of my life and i would not backstab him and save myself .

Marcel:- 😘😘😘

Katherine:- Bitch please 🙄 , i am KATHERINE PIERCE , i am a survivor 🧛.

Rebekah:- Stop troubling them and get a own life Katherine.

Katherine:- how can i when your brother practically destroyed mine 🙄.

Rebekah:- It would have been great if he had killed you atleast Stefan and elijah would be rid of you .

Klaus :- You saying something Katherine !?

Katherine:- Nothing , Nothing klaus you know

*Katherine deleted the previous message*

Bonnie :- Katherine we all read what you were saying.

Elena :- Yeah no use deleting them 😏.

Jeremy:- I have screenshots 🙂.

Katherine:- i swear if you----

Alaric :- If you what ?

Stefan :- You are not in the
Position to give threats Katherine 😒.

Enzo :- Yeah what he said.

Katherine:- Help me Elijah ! Please !

Elijah :- I can't help you Katerina.

Katherine:- Please baby !

Hayley :- Hey stop hitting on my man !

Katherine:- or else what ?

Hayley:- I myself will rip your head off from your body .

Klaus :- that's like my little wolf 😏 .

Caroline:- If you Flirt or even come close to Stefan again Katherine , i won't hesitate to kill you 🗡️.

Stefan :- Such a tigress 🐅.

Klaus:- Hello love 😘.

Caroline:- Klaus .

Klaus:- How are you ? How is Stefan treating you ?

Caroline:- I am fine and i am never more happier than with him.

Stefan:- I am right here guys.

Damon:- 😏.

Jo :- way to leave a conversation Katherine 🙄.

Kai:- Can anyone ask bonnie to unblock me ?

How are you guys liking so far ? Please leave some comments and ideas on what topic i should do for next chapter 😊. Did guys guessed who was the "Special one " ? Yes so answer in my comments ! Follow pvt @nityaaah . SEE YOU ALL in next chapter 😁.

~Peace , Nitya ❤️

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