◾10 years later◾

291 9 2

P.O.V: No one

Caroline: I can't believe it's been 10 years since Eren was born🥺.

Stefan: 10 whole years of damon's carbon copy.

Elena: Happy Birthday to the youngest Salvatore.

Damon: Happy Birthday to my favourite nephew. Uncle Damon blesses you.

Eren: thanks i guess?

Damon: what did i ask you to call you?

Eren: coolest Salvatore?

Damon: damn right.

Lizzie: happy birthday to the baby of the house!

Josie: happy birthday brother!<3

Hope: Happy Birthday Eren!!

Eren: thank you sisters.

Estelle: happy birthday munchkin🧁

Eren: thank you so much Estelle!!!

Lizzie: special treatment for her , not us?

Eren: shut up blondie

Lizzie: hey show some respect!!

Henrrika: happy birthday e-eren👉🏻👈🏻

Finn: happy birthday man!

Eren: thank you!

Finn: well others sends wishes too but eh they are busy

Eren: it's fine!!

Hayley: happy birthday ereniee

Elijah: happy birthday to you young man

Eren: thanks aunt wolfgal and mr.elijah

Hayley: he gets on my nerves everytime haha

Elijah: i can see a vein popping out of hayley

Klaus: happy birthday witch boy

Camille: happy birthday sweetheart!

Eren: thanks aunt cami and uncle wolfboy

Klaus: you are right Hayley

Rebekah: oh come on, give him a break, it's his birthday after all. Happy Birthday eren.

Eren: thank you aunt botox.


*Rebekah has been muted by Stefan*

Davina: he is worse than damon.

Damon: heyyyyyy! He is a good boy!

Kol: that's because you have pampered him a lot damon.

Damon: i might have favoured him a little

Freya: A Little? Yeah right.

Eren: i am still here you guys.

Freya: remind me why he is in this groupchat

Elena: because he knows

Caroline: i apologize for his behaviour

Stefan: we are sorry


Eren: fine mom.

Caroline: good. Now be a good boy and enjoy your breakfast I made for you.

Eren: my favourite?🥺

Caroline: yes baby your favourite

Freya: see , pampered.

Caroline: oh come on

Bonnie: i am sorry! I am late! Happy Birthday my favourite Salvatore!!!

Enzo: happy birthday little one

Eren: thanks aunt bonnie and uncle enzo

Bonnie: he reminds me of the time when he found out he was a supernatural

Rebekah: he was 7 wasn't he?

Elena: oh my god it was a hectic day

Caroline: i know right! He wouldn't stop shouting incantations! Thank god for bonnie

Davina: yeah she taught him well.

Alaric: when are you ready to send him to the school?

Caroline: maybe next year.

Stefan: we wanna make sure he is ready

Bonnie: he is a bright kid.

Caroline: anyways guys 9pm, sharp at Elena's house.

Stefan: we want all of you to be there!!

Eren: gifts are mandatory!!!

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