◾Steroline is Endgame◾

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Guys i am starting a new story Called as "Always and Forever" and it is not related to Tvd. Its different from that. So please check out my story And i will be pausing this story for sometime as i want to focus on that one  . Its my first time writing an actul story so please co-operate. As soon as i will get ideas for this one , i will update here so don't think i will pause this one for too long . Thank you for the patience ❤️.

P.O.V:- Caroline Forbes

Jeremy:- Such a fine day.

Tyler:- Yeah , no disturbence at all.

Katherine:- Yeah but soon it will turn ugly.

Bonnie:- Don't spoil the mood Katherine 🙄.

Katherine:- Whatever 🙄.

Caroline:- Guys, me and Stefan
Have an announcement!

Elena :- What ?

Stefan:- Is everyone paying attention?

Damon:- Yeah , Yeah say it fast haven't got all day to chit chat.

Bonnie:- Oh i know what this is.

Elena:- Okay now i am curious.



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lena:- OH.MY.GOD !!!!!! HOW !?

Damon:- Aren't you a Vampire caroline!?

Caroline:- Bonnie and Valerie

Stefan:- Honestly thank you so much guys ! Thank you is not enough for what you guys did for us.

Bonnie:- Its fine stefan and no need to say thank you.

Valerie:- Yeah no problem at all😃 happy for you guys .

Caroline:-: Still guys.

Damon:- Woahhhh ! A half human and half vampire , huh ? Klaus someone is coming to compete you 😂.

Klaus:- Quiet . Congratulations Caroline and Stefan wish you both the best. And are you guys going to activate the child's vampire side ?

Caroline:- God hell No ! I wish
He or she should never activate that side. I would not want that fate for them.

Hayley:- Congrats Caroline and I hope you have less trouble than i had.

Caroline:- Thank you Hayley
And ik what you mean it was tough having two siphoners in me.


Caroline:- IKKK RIGHTTTT !

Alaric :-  Congrats Caroline me and Jo wish you the best.

Caroline:- Thank you ric🥺❤️

Everyone:- Congrats Caroline!

Caroline:- Thank you guys 🥺

Lizzie :- OH.MY.GOD ! MOMMM!?


Caroline:- Yess girls !🤭


Josie:- Congrats Mom !

Caroline:- Thankyouuhh babies

Okayyy soo i have an announcement to make !!!!!

Our story is in 2nd place in #tvdfamily !!!!!!! I can't believe thiss !!!!!! Thank youuu soo much for supporting guys 🥺❤️

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Our story is in 2nd place in #tvdfamily !!!!!!! I can't believe thiss !!!!!! Thank youuu soo much for supporting guys 🥺❤️. All my love to youuuu !

Now lets talk about this chapter ! If stefan was alive i am sure something like this would have  happen! Never mind. It doesn't hurts in imagining righttttt !? Check out the new story i am writing.

~Peace, Nitya ❤️

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