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(A/N: Delena's children age haven't been confirmed but Stefanie should be around 10-11 years so let's consider her 10 as she much be 5-6 younger than Saltzman twins. I know delena had more kids and i haven't mentioned them in the story so far because they weren't on my mind till i researched about them now. Their names are Jenna (age 9), Grayson (age 7) , Sarah-Lillian (age 5) , Zachary (age 4). It's just my assumption that these would be their ages so don't consider them to be real. I know for a fact that Stefanie might be the eldest because they must have wanted to name their first child after stefan. Okay i'll stop talking now😭😂)

P.O.V: Elena Gilbert

Elena: You know Stefanie's teacher

Asked her class which supernatural
Creature they like , ig they were learning
About them.

Caroline: Omg , what did Stefie say?

Elena: She said she liked vampires...

Caroline: Coincidence much?

Elena: She said to me and Damon
She finds them fascinating , cool.
Terrifying yet cool.

Bonnie: Um Elena have you had that talk with her yet?

Damon: Bonnie she is 10 for god's sake. We can't have sex talk with her yet.

Bonnie: goddammit I wasn't talking about sex talk!

Damon: then what?

Bonnie: about you guys being ex-vampires and all the supernatural beings surrounding her.

Elena: No we haven't, i mean I am
Scared to talk about it to her. We
Haven't even talked to jenna and others.

Damon: i told her to tell fifi already but she wouldn't listen.

Elena: Um because , SHE IS 10 FOR

Damon: i think that's an appropriate age.

Caroline: no Damon Elena is right. She is a human. Until she reaches her teenage years , you can't tell her.

Hayley: I mean she is absolutely right to be concerned about it , hope started developing her powers at a young age but started gaining control over them after Freya taught her.

Freya: She was an easy kid tbh , Nik gave me a hard time.

Keelin: I remember Freya staying up late nights to study just to make him more comfortable with his powers.

Davina: Henrrika had mixed feelings about everything but i am glad she didn't gave us a hard time.

Rebekah: She is more like you than kol

Kol: Okay i am hurt now

Rebekah: suck it up then

Elena: Idk what's more concerning
Stefanie being able to notice the
Smallest things around her (i meant
Unusual) or her staying quiet about

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