◾The Last◾

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A/N: Since it's the last chapter I thought to make it in paragraph wise. Read my ranting later okay? 😌✋🏻

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear, birds chirping, kids running around. The Salvatore house was in chaos, however. "Damon quit the bickering with him and go help, sarah!" Elena shouted at him. "I am trying okay? I am trying! So much for having four kids" He muttered the last part. "5 kids!!" Elena shouted.

"Zach no!" "Zach yes!" Jenna and Grayson started chanting as he was showing them some trick. "Zachary Salvatore, If I don't find you in your suit in thirty minutes, you know what's your punishment will be won't you?" Elena threatened him. Zachary gulped. "Sorry Mom, I was practicing on my skills" He said chuckling and scratching his hair. "And this is the moment, seriously?" Elena asked rolling her eyes.

"Leave them be mama, I will make sure they are ready" Stefanie said. Elena gave her a thankful look before going to handle her other child-um-husband , Damon.

"Come on sis, you have got to see this!" Grayson said. "Yeah come on Stefie!" Zachary said. "You know I would love too but let's not make mama mad shall we?" Stefanie asked In a polite tone , making the others nod yes. The door opened, their favourite uncle coming inside.

"Uncle Jeremy!!!" The kids shouted. "Well well here are my favourite siblings, are you guys not ready yet?" He asked. "Well we are going to, but you have got to see this new trick I learned!" Zachary said.

"Another Vampire trick, Zach?" Jeremy asked. Zach nodded but Stefanie glared at him as he pouted and went to change. "Oh thank god, they weren't even listening to me" Jenna said. "Well Stefanie has the mom powers" Sarah said coming inside, "Oh hey uncle Jer" She greeted. "Hey kiddo" Jeremy greeted her back.

"Help me uncle Jer, otherwise mom will go nuts" Sarah pleaded making Jeremy chuckle.
"Alright alright!" He said making his way to the kitched. After 30 minutes, all the kids came downstairs, looking all dressed up. "Is this perfect do I need to change?" Sarah asked.

"You already look like a pig with a dress what are you stressing about?" Grayson said, making Sarah's eyes glow. "Don't make her angry or else she will snort" Zachary said making everyone laugh.

"This is not fair! You guys always pick on me!" Sarah cried. "Well because you are the youngest" Grayson said. "Zach is the youngest!" Sarah said. "But zach is more cool you know?" Grayson said. She huffed , crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks in anger. "Oh quit bothering her you too" Stefanie said.

The stairs creaked, making everyone look up to see a handsome man coming down and a beautiful women with him. Damon and Elena came down , hand in hand, Damon giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Still gorgeous as ever" He whispered. Elena gave a huge smile. "I wish just to rip this clothes of you right now" He said. "Don't you dare, I spent money on this" Elena gave him a threatened look. "Way to ruin my sexy talk, Mrs.Gilbert" Damon said chuckling.

"Why are they walking in slow motion?" Grayson whispered. "I don't know" Zachary whispered back. "Oh Jeremy you are finally here!" Elena said rushing to hug her brother.

"Yeah 30 minutes ago. What were taking you guys so long?" He asked. Elena gave him a sheepish looking making him understand they were doing stuff. "Oh come on, every single time I walk on you guys" He said rolling his eyes. Elena laughed.

"Let's go kids, Or else Aunt Caroline will be mad" Damon said taking the keys and everyone running out. As soon as everyone got settled inside the huge family car, Damon started it , now pulling out of the driveway. After 10 minutes Elena shouted.

"Oh my god, we forgot the flowers! And the rings!"

"What? I thought you had it with you!" Damon shouted. "Yes but because of you I forgot!" She shouted back. "Oh god guys, we have to pick up my wife too at the clinic" Jeremy said groaning.

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