▪️All is Well▪️

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* P.O.V :- Caroline*

*Private chat between Caroline and Tyler*

Tyler:- I am sorry Caroline.

Caroline:- Sorry won't fix
Everything Ty.

Tyler :- I know i and i am so
Ashamed of it .

Caroline:- I just need to know
Why ? Why now ? When
Everything was going fine .

Tyler:- It was taken a long time back .
As i told you , i was walking through the woods when i saw you both doing it. Then out of anger i took those pictures and then send those pictures to Jeremy telling him to send them to Elena . But he was smart he didn't send those pictures to her , but i guess He forget to delete those pictures and elena eventually found out.

Caroline:- Oh my God , do
You know how much damage
You had done ?

Tyler:- ik and i am really sorry.

Caroline:- I just- i just dk
What to do anymore !

Tyler:- Wanna meet and talk about it ?

Caroline:- Sure , meet you
At mystic grills.

*Private chat between Damon and Caroline*

Devil😈:- I think i have to buy another stack of bourbon i guess .

CareBear🐻:- He is drinking
That much ?

Devil😈:- What do you think?

CareBear🐻:- This is all
My fault !

Devil😈:- No it is not CareBear Stop blaming yourself!

CareBear🐻:- No i should
Had told him about it !
I am so stupid !

Devil 😈:- Listen we don't choose with whom we fell in love . I tried very hard not be in love with Elena or Katherine , to let my brother be happy but love surprises us in many ways , Even if Stefan says He is over Katherine there is still that part which  he can't deny he loves her. Same is with you and Klaus . And you need to explain him that.

CareBear 🐻:- Thank you

Devil😈:- Now get him out of my house i need some alone time with elena.

CareBear🐻:- Haha sure
Bye !

*Private chat between Caroline and Klaus*

Caroline:- Don't kill Tyler.

Klaus:- Give me one good reason not to .

Caroline:- If i wanted to kill
Him i would have done
That already . But he is
My friend !

Klaus:- Did he explain why he did all of this ?

Caroline:- Yes he did!
That time he had grugde
Against you remember?

Klaus:- And you thought i would stop this low ?

Caroline:- I-- Yes .

Klaus:- I guess i am really that bad huh ?

Caroline:- You dagger your
Siblings klaus even if they
Make a single mistake and
Put them in that damn
Coffin for thousands of years
How am i supposed to believe you
Don't do it for revenge ?

Klaus:- I would never hurt you Caroline.

Caroline:- Sorry but i have
To go rn Bye.

*Private chat between Caroline and Stefan*

Care🙈:- Need a drinking
Buddy ?

Stef🌍 :- I have damon for that Thank you .

Care🙈:- Stefan i am sorry !

Stef🌍:- I am not angry at you Care . I do not mind that you had sex with Klaus because it was before we started dating . I am just a little bit hurt that you didn't tell me about it and you still have feelings for him.

Care🙈:- Yes i love him Stefan .
But I love you more than that.
He will and always be a special
Part of my life but i would not leave
You and date him just because i
Love him because my love for
You is stronger than that.
Klaus will always have a special
Place in my heart but you are
My whole life stefan .

Stef🌍:- I am sorry for overreacting .

Care🙈:- Honestly its kay , now
Do you mind coming back home ?
And let Damon and elena have sex
In peace ?

Stef🌍:- 😂 Sure coming rn !

*back In the Gc *
*Caroline adds Stefan back in gc*

Elena:- So everything Is sorted out ?

Caroline:- Yes finallyyyyy!

Katherine:- Ughh No ! Stefan you know now what a bitch this Caroline is ! Leave her and be with me !

Stefan:- Never in a million years .

Katherine:- ik you still love me if you hadn't you wouldn't had saved me from falling from that bell tower.

Stefan:- I saved you out of pity . I wouldn't want even my enemy to have that kind of death .

Rebekah:- #burned.

Katherine:- Ughh ! You nothing but piece of---------

*Damon removes Katherine from Gc *

Hayley:- Finally ! Someone should had done that already !

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