◾Tired parents ◾

271 12 2

P.O.V: No one

Hayley: So caroline how are you doing?

Caroline: TERRIBLE

Stefan: please save us


Elena: they all are so dramatic

Rebekah: why what happened?

Elena: nothing just not used to a newborn baby

Alaric: but Caroline is...?


Alaric: .....no

Caroline: then shut up!!!

Damon: it's like the baby purposely wanna torture us

Stefan: no he doesn't

Caroline: Idk! Okay! He doesn't cry! But when he does, it's horrible! He won't stop crying for hours!

Freya: and why is damon in your house?

Elena: they are staying over with us since their house is in repairs.

Damon: even stefanie didn't cry this much!

Bonnie: stefie is a human!

Rebekah: hey remember bonnie we talked about the stefanie being a Vampire thing?

Bonnie: yeah?

Rebekah: have you found anything?

Bonnie: actually me and davina found something

Davina: we didn't wanna cause chaos because we weren't sure ourselves.

Bonnie: but we found a very old script. Guess who gave it to me?

Enzo: ???

Elijah: who?

Davina: Quetsiyah!

Elena: what?

Damon: huh?

Bonnie: well basically Amara gave it to us.

Davina: she was holding that script for so long.

Bonnie: it says that if a witch trys to make a Vampire pregnant, there's a 10% chance the baby would have both powers.

Davina: or if an ex vampire got pregnant, some powers may be passed.

Rebekah: so I was correct!

Stefan: what so stefie is..?

Bonnie: no no she is not, but she can see things from far away ir so i think.

Freya: then i think damon and elena should keep an close eye on all of their children. Just in case yk?

Elena: no matter how much we try the past never leaves us

Damon: i don't want my kids near this crap

Elena: i didn't wanted to do this, they didn't deserve this

Bonnie: relax elena they will never be turned into vampire and i will try to remove these supernatural abilities.

Elena: thank you bonnie.

Caroline: ugh eren is up it's save your ears time again.

Stefan: just need one sleep. Just one.

Bonnie: if you need i could have him for one night with us.


Rebekah: Oww me too!

Marcel: are you sure?

Rebekah: Oh i have been handling hope for so many years! It's easy peasy!

Klaus: as much as i hate to admit it she is right. She does a great job

Hayley: if you want i could also look him for a day

Stefan: thank you so much guys

Caroline: thank you!!!

Elena: give us him any day you want, we will look after him.

Damon: yeah we will look after that little devil.

Stefan: he takes after you, you know?

Damon: yeah I know that.

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