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P.O.V: Keelin

Freya adds Keelin To The group

Keelin: um , hello?

Freya: hi wifey :)

Keelin: freya? Hey! What am I doing

Freya: I decided since everyone is here, i'll add you too!

Keelin: oh! What's this group for?

Hayley: Since we are the last remaining Vampire and werewolves we decided to make a group to inform others if there's any trouble.

Keelin: oh i see...

Bonnie: who's this?

Freya: That's my wife Keelin

Elena: You are married!?

Freya: I mean, duh?

Caroline: oh wow! Welcome to the group Keelin.

Keelin: Thank you!

Stefan: What is she?

Freya: wdym?

Bonnie: Is she a witch? A vamp? A werewolf? Or something different?

Keelin: oh I am a werewolf!

Tyler: And you married a Mikaelson!?

Keelin: yea...?

Tyler: oh I feel so sorry for you....

Keelin: why?

Tyler: What do you mean why? Look at them! Practically always on a killing spree!

Keelin: well aren't every supernatural

Tyler: Not always! Werewolves don't hunt and kill people!

Freya: Watch your tone wolf boy.

Keelin: As far as I have heard , you
Are only free from killing people on a
Full moon day because of klaus. So in
A way you are in debt to the Mikaelsons.

Damon: I feel like I should be taking his side but he is insulting our cult.

Tyler: I am in debt to no one! Klaus is not the boss of me.

Caroline: But you were practically Klaus's dog when he turned you into a hybrid.

Tyler: I am not a hybrid anymore!

Caroline: Well you were once...

Keelin: You know what? I am not
Doing this. You are a fucking
Stranger to me. You tried to kill my
Niece once , so pray to god I haven't
Killed you yet. I don't need an advice
From a stranger so just fuck off.

Rebekah: Yes you go girl!

Hayley: Tell him what's right!

Freya: That's my wifeyyyy :)

Damon: why do you wanna get yourself insulted like that? Take my advice. Join my "How to be cool like Damon" coaching class.

Bonnie: oh boy.

Stefan: Let her have her moment Damon.

Elena: Yeah

Damon: Don't team up against me you guys!

Keelin: better join my classes Damon.

Damon: no.

Keelin: Anyways , Alaric I wanted to
Ask something.

Alaric: yeah?

Keelin: I heard a lot from Freya
How your school is one of the best for
Supernatural kids so me and Vincent and Freya were thinking to send Nik to your

Alaric: That would be excellent! Plus Hope is here too.

Keelin: Yeah that's why we wanna
Send him there. He is a werewolf-witch
Breed and we have been keeping him lowkey
So that we don't face troubles.

Alaric: Werewolf and witch? That's new.

(A/N: I don't know What Supernatural creature is Nik. You saw what happened to Bonnie's mom when she turned into vampire. So I think it's against the nature rules. And also as far as I know only the first born in the Mikaelson family can be a witch which is Hope. But I want to make Nik him as a hybrid and it's a fanfiction sooo please tell me what you think about it :) )

Keelin: Yeah he got both of us.

Alaric: It's fine. You can come to the Campus this weekend and check it out and plus you can meet hope.

Freya: That would be great! Thank you Alaric.

Keelin: Freya , I think it's your turn to
Pick him up.

Freya: Oh yes! I'll be going now.

Tyler: They even have a kid? Just great.

Damon: How does he have the strength to keep embarrassing himself?

Sorryyyyy just a shortt chap! My mind is all over Naruto. Basically I am obsessed with it.
How can anyone be not? Soo I'll ending this book in the 50th chapter. I feel like it's time to end this after another 25 chapter. Thank you for 10k+ reads! I never thought this book would make it and I honestly felt it was stupid. But thanks for boosting my morals!
Kay seeyaa! ;)

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