◾Would you Rather?◾

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P.O.V: Lizzie Saltzman

Lizzie: Guys let's play a game

Caroline: No Liz , you are studying for your exams!

Lizzie: Please mom!

Jo: Liz no , listen to Caroline

Lizzie: Come on , i wanna take my
mind Off for a few minutes

Caroline: Fine only for few minutes

Lizzie: Okay this game is called
As 'Would you rather'

Elena: Ooh yess! I have heard of this game

Lizzie: You would be given two
Conditions and you have to choose which
One you would do , seems alright?

Rebekah: Yeah let's do it!

Lizzie : mom would you rather run
Away with uncle klaus or miss and don't
Plan my wedding?

Caroline: Hey that's soo mean!

Lizzie: Answer mom👀✊

Hope: God Lizzie you really need some holy water , you have been tainted.

Lizzie: I love uncle Stef , but if my
Mom marries your dad we would be siblings
And then you can't flirt with Jo or do whatever That's going on.

Josie: She is already married Lizzie!

Jo: Elizabeth Saltzman, what the hell is this?

Landon: Have to admit that's clever tho🤔

Lizzie: Thank you bird boy , and as
Far as I remember I don't remember talking
To y'll. I was asking mom.

Caroline: Geez fine. Both are majorly important for me but i would miss and don't organise your wedding rather then running away with klaus.

Klaus: I am hurt , that's so mean love.

Caroline: Don't get me wrong Liz , I love you you are my world but I can't do that to Stefan , I am sure Jo and my girlfriends would do a great job tho!

Jo: Aww thanks!

Elena: Aww

Bonnie: Awwww

Lizzie: Kinda hurted but it's alright

Hope: you are giving me the 'pick me girl' vibes.

Lizzie: can't you ever shut your mouth?

Caroline: I think it's my turn , Elena?

Elena: mhm?

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