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P.O.V: - Stefan Salvatore

Elena: Okay stefan so what's the plan?

Stefan: Lexi you here ?

Lexi : Yes Stefan

Bonnie: What has lexi to do with all this ?

Caroline: And why are you dragging her into this ?

Lexi: Chill Caroline , its okay ! And I can atleast do this for my godson.

Caroline: But----

Lexi: No buts !

Caroline: Fine .

Lexi : And Caroline don't get involved in this , you are not in the condition to fight.

Caroline: But i want to help !

Elena: She is right , no i am not allowing you to get out of the house.

Caroline: Okay fine but someone stay with me .

Bonnie: Matt will be with you  ,i will call him up.

Lexi: Okay so time to kick some ass !

Stefan: Okay so Kai is basically
A siphoner , right?

Damon: So ?

Stefan: So if Bonnie fights
Him , he will basically defeat her
Somehow. But what he don't know
Is that Davina will be helping bonnie.
So when bonnie gets weak , davina will back her up and try to make his
Powers weak as she has connection
With ancestors

Davina: Well the ancestors aren't basically fond of me but if they see Kai as a threat to their coven , they will help.

Rebekah: So basically we have to make kai as the bad guy , easy will be done.

Damon: What has Lexi to do with all this ?

Stefan: Okay so here is the
Plot twist . What kai won't be
Expecting is a Vampire coming and
Biting him and he definitely
Won't be expecting lexi , so once he
Is fully weakened , not even in the
Condition to stand bonnie and davina
Will cast a spell that will put him to sleep forever.

Damon : Using Kai's tricks on himself. Cool.

Klaus: What about Katherine?

Stefan: Damon your turn , you
Will flirt with Katherine.

Damon: Seriously , detective? And she will fall this ?

Elena: Well.....i don't wanna say this but Damon has been confused between me and Katherine for a long time , so they may work out she will think you though that she was me.

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