◾Final Segment◾

480 15 36

P.O.V:  Author

Nitya:  I was busy thinking about..

Caroline Forbes: Food☺️

Enzo St John: Music

Bonnie Bennett: Magic?

Kai Parker: How to kill siblings?

Damon Salvatore: How to shut Kai forever?

Kai Parker: Hey!

Stefan Salvatore: Bloodbags?

Elena Gilbert: Family?

Katherine Pierce: How to irritate the Salvatore brothers?

Tyler Lockwood: How to be a dick?

Damon Salvatore: Are you talking about yourself?

Matt Donovan: How to be the immortal human?

Rebekah Mikaelson: How to flirt with men?

Elijah Mikaelson: Where to buy the best suits?

Hayley Marshall: How to get rid of someone who is obsessed with you?

Freya Mikaelson: How to be the responsible one?

Kol Mikaelson: How to hide from the dangerous sibling?

Davina Claire: How to kill vampires?

Kol Mikaelson: But I thought baby you were over that🥺.

Davina Claire: Except for you and Marcel and Josh.

Marcel Gerad: How to be a Mikaelson?

Klaus Mikaelson: How to kill "YOU" ?

Nitya: Oh God! I was singing about
The tiktok trend , it goes like:
I was busy thinking about food , sleep

Caroline Forbes: But I sang the first part🥺...

Nitya : Never mind🙄. This will
Be the final segment then adidos to

Rebekah Mikaelson: Oh thank god.

Nitya: Kai this one is for you.

Kai Parker: Yess😎.

Nitya : Why do you always spell
Everyone's name wrong?

Kai Parker: Because I have an accent.

Nitya: No you don't.

Kai Parker: Yes I do.

Nitya:  *inserting out of paitence

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