◾Best sitcom?◾

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P.O.V: No one

Hayley: Friends or B99?

Freya: friends ofc!

Rebekah: friends duh

Elena: b99..?

Bonnie: friends always

Keelin: Brooklyn 99 sorry

Cami: How can people choose b99 over friends?

Keelin: because it's more interesting?

Freya: oh please, jake is like a walmart version of chandler.

Elena: Jake Peralta is one of the best characters and he is not a walmart version.

Rebekah: he is childish.

Keelin: and joey isn't?

Davina: i personally prefer how i met your mother....

Hayley: shut up davina no one's asking.

Jo: the office beats them all.

Caroline: HAHHAHA, no.

Lexi: friends is literally something you can watch to relax your mind after a long tiring day.

Keelin: queen gina always makes your day

Caroline: everything of friends makes your day, even it's opening!

Hayley:🎤 no one told you life was gonna be this way~~~~~

Caroline: 👏👏👏👏

Rebekah: your job's a joke your broke, your love life's d.o.a

Bonnie: it's like your always stuck in second gearrrrrrr~

Cami: when it hasn't been your day, your week , your month or even your yearrrr but!

Freya: i'll be there for youuuuuuuu

Caroline: when the rain starts to pour

Lexi: i'll be there for youuuuuuuuuu

Hayley: like i have been there before.

Rebekah: i'll be there for youuuuuuuuuu

Bonnie: cause you were there for me tooo!!!

Cami: du-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dunnna-dun!

Hayley: whopaah!

Caroline: 😂

Keelin: ugh whatever.

Elena: rosa the best girl.

Caroline: phoebe will burn her ass.

Keelin: let's ask the guys

Hayley: hey no uterus, no opinion!


*After 20mins*

Elena: whatever.

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