◾Matty Is Not (Is) Invisible ◾

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P.O.V:- Matt Donovan

Matt:- Uhh Hello ?
Why am i added in this group
And what is the purpose?

Caroline:- Hey Matt ! I made this group and i added you here because we can all be updated about everyone and all the troubles we are against .

Matt :- Oh okay .

Damon:- Who added the fragile human here ?

Matt:- EXCUSE M---

Caroline:- Don't Damon !

Matt:- And i am not the
Only human here . Jeremy is

Damon:- Did your Good for nothing brain just forgot that Jeremy is a Hunter ?

Matt:- Oh yeahhh , Wait a min.
You and elena are also human !

Bonnie:- They were Vampires once remember Matt ? And they have the cure in them so yeah they have to be careful about it .

Matt:- Ohh .

Elena :- How come you didn't knew that we made a group? Don't you check your phone ?

Matt:- Unless like you all
I have actual work to do . I am a
Sheriff . I have to handle the town
And keeping it safe from these

Damon:- We are so in debt to you protecting us Sheriff Donovan .

Matt:- Carefull Damon , I may
Let it accidentally slip that you
All Are Vampire, werewolves and
Witches .

Damon:- Yeah we are soo scared.

Elijah:-  Matthew Donovan there is no need for that And Damon keep your mouth shut.

Matt:- Ugh these Mikaelsons
Are still here ? I thought they
Were gone till now.

Rebekah:- Hello Matt.

Matt:- Rebekah ? Uhm Hi.

Rebekah:- I Heard that you met Elijah back then . He gave me your message.

Matt:- Uhh yeah it wasn't exactly
A message but still .

Rebekah:- Oh . Oh.

Matt:- Yeah .

Rebekah:- I heard about Penny , Sorry about that .

Matt :- It was mostly my own

Rebekah:- Oh.

Matt :- So uhm.. would you
Like to catch up ? You know meet
Me at mystic grills ?

Marcel:- Sure she would love to come with her husband.

Matt :- Husband ?

Rebekah:- Umm...Matt meet Marcel my husband and Marcel this is Matt my------

Klaus:- Her ex boyfriend.

Rebekah:- Uhh , yeah.

Marcel:- Well good to see you matt we would love to catch up with you sometime.

Matt:- Yeah mate no problem.

Damon:- Well this isn't awkward at all.

Stefan:- Ughh I can't take it anymore!

*Stefan adds Katherine back in Group*

Damon:- Wha----

Stefan:- Sorry everyone She was irritating the hell out of me .

Katherine:- Hello brothers 😏.

How can you even think this group is even complete without Katherine? Next chapter will be about why she was added in this group! Follow my pvt @nityaaah  Fun Fact  : Google told me that Klaus and Camille also had a child named Grace O Connell if i am correct . Leave down some comments on what topic i should do next .

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~Peace , Nitya ❤️

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