◾When TvD takes Naruto Test◾

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P.O.V: Kol Mikaelson

Kol: So i was taking this "Which character
Are you in Naruto" and I got Danzo😑

Rebekah: So the test turned out to be accurate!

Kol: Shut up bekah

Hope: Don't worry Uncle Kol you are Nothing like Danzo

Uncle Kol: Thank you my favourite niece

Hope: But I am your only niece🤨

Hayley: I took the test and I got Kiba , damn I wanted Minato Namikaze he is my favourite

Bonnie: Probably because you'r a werewolf and that character is closely associated to dogs.

Hayley: Maybe but I have nothing like his personality.

Rebekah: No you have one , you are loyal.

Stefan: I got Naruto 🥰

Elena: Totally suits you stefan

Damon: Yeah because you always use talk no jutsu on us😂

Stefan: Come on I am nowhere as good as him.

Klaus: No but Naruto had this darkness inside him and you have to , he has a way with his words , you do too. So there are many similarities.

Tyler: I got Sakura , I am nowhere like her.

Damon: Yeah but you are useless like her.

Tyler: YOU!

Bonnie: Hey Sakura isn't that useless , seriously you need to grow up Damon.


Damon: Maybe but Tyler is kinda useless.

Tyler: What do you-

Hope: I got Tenten.

Lizzie: I got Might Guy wtf

Josie: He is good Liz

Lizzie: I know that but I wanted Sasuke! He is so hot and 🤤

Hope: Snap out already

Josie: Hey i got Konan.

Hope: She is one of my favourite characters!

Josie: Yeah I liked her too sad she had to die😔


Elijah: Come on Hayley there's absolutely no need to tell them.

Hayley: Oh but we are!

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