◾The Kid's groupchat◾

528 12 2

Dedicated to Nathaliegachalifeand

Okay i like to think they would have more kids in the future. Please note this never happened in legacies. I made this up ages and names etc for the story. Thank you!
Also this is not a continuous story , it's random so yeah i mentioned the kids late.
Above image says all.
Delena = Stefanie , Jenna
Klayley = Hope
Alaric,Jo,Care = Lizzie and Josie
Freelin = Nik , Finn
Kolvina = Henrrika , Josh
Haylijah = Eve
Bonenzo = Estelle
(Bonenzo Requested by Kayla1008244 )

Groupchat members:
Stefanie (age 10 years)
Jenna (age 9 years)
Hope (age 17 years)
Lizzie (age 16 years)
Josie ( age 16 years)
Estelle (age 8 years)
Nik ( age 12 years)
Finn ( age 10 years)
Henrrika (age 13 years)
Josh (age 12 years)
Eve ( age 10 years)

Okay now let's get on with the story!

P.O.V: Stefanie Salvatore

Jenna: Hope tell us already!!!

Stefanie: yeah girls not fair

Hope: guys I can't possibly tell y'll that.

Lizzie: why do you guys even have a phone?😒 I never received a phone when i was that young.

Josie: i don't even know who is the kid here anymore🤦🏻‍♀️

Lizzie: come on , i am just stating a fact

Eve: she doesn't even tell me! Don't you love me anymore big sis?🥺

Hope: no no you are not emotional blackmailing me!

Eve: but big sis!😩

Nik: Jesus leave her alone y'll

Hope: thank you! One mature person here!

Josh: how can we be mature when aren't even teenagers yet?🙄 Let us enjoy our childhood days sis.

Hennrika: d-don't t-trouble big s-sis , s-she d-does m-more t-than eno-ough!

Finn: why are you stuttering over text rika?😗🖐️

Hope: hey not nice finn! Apologize!

Finn: okay "mom"

Lizzie: how did we even get stuck in the Mikaelson family groupchat?

Estelle: it wasn't a Mikaelson groupchat , they made it seem one since they are such a huge family.

Stefanie: hope tell us what adults
Chat in their groupchat!

Lizzie: trust me it's not as fun as you think

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