◾ Planning ◾

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Bonnie's Birthday Plans

Caroline: Okay guys it's Bonnie's Birthday in two days.

Damon: we all know🙄

Elena: Caroline chill your pregnant

Caroline: pregnant not injured.

Enzo: if you don't slow down you will injure yourself love.

Caroline: But i want everything to be perfect for her!

Stefan: that's what we are here for aren't we?

Lexi: yes so relax darling we will handle it.

Caroline: alright , lexi and elena decorations

Lexi: yes mam

Elena: on it

Caroline: Damon and stefan, guest list

Damon: you owe me a drink after this

Stefan: don't worry caroline, we will do it

Caroline: alaric jo protection around houses and make sure Katherine kai don't smash

Alaric: you bet

Jo: alright Caroline

Caroline: lizzie and josie you go with jo

Lizzie: on it boss

Josie: okay mom!

Lizzie: we will make sure uncle sociopath won't come to crash

Josie: and Katherine too

Caroline: tyler and matt , food and drinks

Tyler: um caroline i am sort of busy

Caroline: don't mess with me lockwood , do your humping business later. Bonnie is important rn

Matt: Care...

Caroline: now that's DONE, i expect everything to be perfect ofc i'll check from time to time

Enzo: and what's my role may i ask?

Caroline: keep her busy, don't let her know this

Enzo: she is not a child caroline

Caroline: that's your job and i expect you to do well

Enzo: alright i ain't arguing with pregnant caroline

Stefan: 😂😂

Damon: she is one damn scary women

Elena: care, what bout Bonnie's mom? Should we invite her?

Caroline: i don't see why not, they are on good terms aren't they?

Stefan: yeah they are

Caroline: then we will send her an invitation, it's upto her to come or not

Lexi: and the Mikaelsons?

Caroline: well they aren't a problem now so yes.

Elena: great then everything is done.

Caroline: expecting results in two days🤞🏻

Private texting between Matt and Tyler

Matt: Ty don't take it to heart

Tyler: Oh come on i am not sad

Matt: you know Caroline, she is like that from the start.

Tyler: ik, i just wanted to say
That our birthdays are also coming
Up and we both are going for a trip

Matt: well let's stay for Bonnie's birthday, then we can go after that.

Tyler: i guess you are right.
We owe bonnie atleast that

Matt: i am not sure if i am comfortable seeing Rebekah's husband. What was his name? Mike?

Tyler: Marcel bro.

Matt: yeah right. What was he? An advanced original something?

Tyler: Yeah

Matt: are you sure we can trust them?

Tyler: if caroline and everyone
Does we don't have any choice do we?

Matt: i don't like them

Tyler: neither do i

Matt: let's hope Everything goes fine

Tyler: hope so

A/N: Caroline remindes me so much of monica , and rn i can imagine her going off for the smallest things like her ;)

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