◾ Steroline baby on the way◾

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P.O.V. :- Caroline Forbes

Caroline:- Hey Hayley can you
Help me ?

Hayley:- Sure , what's up?

Caroline:- Its not my first time
But still i would like if you would
Give me some tips to handle pregnancy :)

Hayley:- Caroline i am sure you would handle it better than me. If you can handle siphoners , i am sure you can handle this .

Caroline:- Yeah but----

Hayley:- We both had near death experience Caroline , i am sure you will handle it well.

Caroline:- Thank you :)

Hayley:- But i am ready to help you anyways , i am just a call or text away.

Caroline:- Yes thank you so

Hayley:- I know we haven't been best on terms and have snapped each other's neck but still .

Caroline:- I really appreciate


Bonnie:- I can't believe Care forgot, she eventually gets worked up with these stuffs .

Stefan:- I think Elena is turning into Caroline and Caroline into Elena .

Caroline:- Lame jokes Stef.

Damon:- Could you guys please put your phone aside and help us ? I swear this Donovan-Gilbert-Lockwood would mess things up.

Jeremy:- Oh hello? We are the ones who are actually working here unlike you sipping the bourbon.

Alaric:- Give me that bottle Damon.

Damon:- No you would finish it all ;(

Alaric:- 🙃 I don't care just gove me the damn bottle.

Caroline:- Are we doing it by
Cutting the cake or by bursting ballons?

Elena:- Neither just you wait and see;)

Caroline:- Is klaus there ?

Klaus:- Yes love , although i have a strong desire to dagger them all :)

Damon:- I think everything is perfectly fine :) klaus wants to dagger us , The three dumbheads messing up , Alaric and me drinking , Stefan looking tensed as usual , Elena for a change turned into Caroline , Kol and Rebekah bickering , Hayley and Elijah sucking each other's face and That other girl I don't her name , is giving Klaus strange looks and he returning them to her . Bonnie putting spells to prevent kai and Katherine from entering that other witch girl helping her , yeah so everything is perfectly normal.

Camille:- Thanks for the introduction my name is Camille :/

Klaus :- And we are not giving strange looks to each other .


Klaus :- Caroline....

Caroline:- I am enjoying this 😂

Klaus:- 🙄

Elena:- I think we should do it by cake:/

Sorryyy for such short chapter i was caught up with sooo manyyy thingss that i didn't update :( butt soo sorryyy !!!! Next chapter will be longer and i will reveal the gender !

~Peace , Nitya ❤️

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