◾ Tyler's birthday?◾

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Hayley: Never drinking again.

Rebekah: you say that everytime

Freya: Keelin scolded me for an hour for drinking.

Keelin: well you should know better, you still reek btw.

Caroline: stefan is like a whole new person when he drinks.

Rebekah: yeahhh you should have seen him back in the 18's . Klaus was so happy with him.

Klaus: well he was like a brother to me.

Stefan: until you made my memory go whoshhh!

Klaus: had to be done

Caroline: Stefan! Get your ass back in the room!

Stefan: well bye guys.

Hayley: still troubling him?

Elena:  well she needs him more than now ever.

Bonnie: yeah it's her last month. Baby can pop anytime.

Damon: they should have named the baby after me

Enzo: you didn't exactly get a choice

Alaric: and one damon is enough.

Elena: Eren is a nice name.

Davina: but its suits with Yeager tho.

Kol: god that series is so fucking good.

Jo: Eren Salvatore doesn't sounds so bad.

Damon: yeah why don't they name their future kids after Attack on Titan characters huh? How about next one Mikasa Salvatore or Levi Salvatore 🙄

Jo: That would not go with the surname.

Lexi: yeah eren kind of goes with the last name.

Freya: kind of.

Keelin: we all know their kid is gonna be epic.

Lexi: ofc he would be , he is my godson.

Damon: mine too.

Lexi: Hey you get to be his uncle! Let me take the shine for once!

Damon: well that's true.

Bonnie: that kid is gonna be so spoiled.

Elena: Nahh caroline is gonna keep him in check.

Damon: I can't imagine stefan to be the fun dad.

Enzo: caroline will all be about discipline and hygiene etc.

Damon: god the only fun family member he will get is me

Lizzie: I am a fun sister too!

Damon: yeah still me.

Bonnie: alright guys idk but Tyler's been acting strange.

Damon: when doesn't he?

Bonnie: feels like he is avoiding us.

Matt: I seriously can't believe this.

Alaric: What's going on matt?

Matt: You all seriously forgot about his birthday?

Enzo: It's today?

Matt: seriously y'll made such a huge fuss for  Bonnie's Birthday and didn't even thought of his which was coming up.

Jo: oh my god.

Matt: some friends you are

Bonnie: matt we are so sorry

Matt: he didn't wanted a grand birthday, nobody wished him.

Damon: well it's 8 in the morning so stop being dramatic.

Matt: we had a plan, to go for a trip because our birthdays were coming up and come back after a month. But since Caroline made us drop the plan we are going today.

Elena: when are you leaving.

Matt: this afternoon.

Damon: have a safe trip?

Matt: 🙄

Bonnie: don't let caroline see this.

Elena: i don't think she will see this for a month

Rebekah: yeah best to let the storm pass away.

Damon: yeah well nobody cares he was a side character anyways.

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