◾ Author , save your life🙂◾

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Hello , i will be interviewing these idiots today.

P.O.V: The Author

Elena Gilbert: I miss bonnie😪.

Caroline Forbes: Yea its been dull without her.

Lorenzo St John: Girls let her be at peace for a few days.

Elena Gilbert: Who said i wanted her help?

Lorenzo St John: 🤨

Elena Gilbert: Okay fine , i wanted a teeny tiny help.

Lorenzo St John: No.

Elena Gilbert: Why?

Lorenzo St John: You guys troubled her long enough.

Caroline Forbes: Elena you are my bestfriend but stfu.

Elena Gilbert: Don't be so rude!

Caroline Forbes: You miss her because you want her help? That's low.

Elena Gilbert: No i genuinely miss her but...

Caroline Forbes: Drop it.

Elena Gilbert: Where is she Anyways?

Lorenzo St John: Near the pool , living her life so fuckk off.

Damon Salvatore: Don't talk to my wife like that!

Lorenzo St John: Tell your wife to mind her own business.

Damon Salvatore: Checking on her bestfriend is her buisness.

Lorenzo St John: No , missing her only because she wants her help Ain't her business.

Rebekah: Ah ✨D R A M A✨ Kol pass me the popcorn.

Freya Mikaelson: Mee too

Hayley Marshall : ^

Klaus Mikaelson: ^^

Elijah Mikaelson: ^^^

Marcellous : ^^^^

Kol Mikaelson: Fuck Off marcel you ain't a mikaelson.

Marcellous: Geez chill.

Nitya: Now now boys calm down.

Kol Mikaelson: Now who are you?

Damon Salvatore: Yea and how did you enter our groupchat?

Nitya: Now that's not your

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