◾Keeping Up With The Supernaturals◾

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P.O.V: Author

Nitya: hEllO everyone.

Damon Salvatore: This hybrid can't even do one single job correctly.

Klaus Mikaelson: Careful , the next word that comes out of you mouth will cost you your heart.

Damon Salvatore: oH mAyeee gOdddd , i Am sO sCarEd!!!!

Caroline Forbes: Tell me how you survived from the original vampires?

Nitya : Well what can i say? They
Do everything what i want.

Rebekah Mikaelson: Tell them the real truth love.

Nitya: What truth? I am saying the

Klaus Mikaelson: Now love let's not make a scene.

Nitya: Okay fine🙄 , I promised
That i would kill Julie Plec for giving
Everyone a bad ending✋🏻.

Elena Gilbert: Not Everyone got a bad ending....

Nitya: Of course biatch , as long
As you are happy others don't matter right?

Elena Gilbert: That's not what i meant...

Nitya : Okurrrr

Katerina Petrova: Moving on guys😏

Rebekah Mikaelson: There goes my happy mood....

Katerina Petrova: Come on Rebekah , you know without me the show wouldn't even exist.

Kai Parker: And without me too .

Katerina Petrova: Stfu , you came very late.

Kai Parker: Oh come on , everyone loves this sociopath.

Damon Salvatore: Yea we all love you so much.

Kai Parker: Damon! Our selfie got 25,000 likes , isn't that amazing?

Damon Salvatore: 😒 couldn't care less.

Nitya: Okay enough! Time for
My questions! Bonnie , ready?

Bonnie Bennett: Who me? Okay...

Nitya: Bon-Bon , if in an alternate
Universe , where Elena wouldn't have
Existed , will you date Damon?

Bonnie Bennett: Damon? Oh god no. It's already exhausting that i put up with his ass all day. No thank you.

Damon Salvatore: A very hot ass i must say😏.

Bonnie Bennett: See what i meant?

Nitya: Haha i got it! And i think every
Bamon shipper got it too! Next question is for Alaric: "We all have just one question,
Why do you fall for every girl you meet?
And Caroline, seriously?"

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