◾ Klaroline Exposed ◾

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*Private chat between Elena And Caroline*
P.O.V:- Caroline

El❤️:- Care you would tell me everything happening in your life right ?

Care👑:- Elena if you wanna
Know how many times me and
Stefan have sex I can't tell you
That its personal !

El❤️:- Oh shut up idiot i am not talking about that ! But tell you would right !?

Care👑:- Ofc Elena . I would .

El❤️:- Idk how to say this Care , i found these pictures of yours and idk i wanna belive it or not.

Care👑:- Which pictures!?



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Care👑:- how did you get these !?

El❤️:- Care these could be photoshopped you know.
Seen by Care👑

El❤️:- Care !?

Care👑:- Gtg elena ttyl.

*Private chat Between Caroline and Klaus*

Caroline:- Never ever talk to
Me again. Our friendship is

Klaus:- Hello love ❤️.

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