◾Truth Or Dare ?◾

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P.O.V:- Hayley Marshall

Rebekah:- Guys lets play truth or dare .

Klaus:- Oh bloody hell no .

Hayley:- Yeah sure , why not ?

Elijah:- Umm.

Rebekah:- Come on guys , it will be fun !

Freya :- Sister , its truth or truth .

Rebekah:- But that will be boring:(

Freya:- How are we supposed to do dare through the phone ?

Rebekah:- Oh yeah .

Kol:- Our sister have gone nuts 🥴.

Klaus :- Shall i feed your liver to you sister ?

Rebekah:- Ugh , No.

Kol:- Again with the organ threats ? Try some New Nik🤷🏻‍♂️.

Klaus:- Don't test my patience Kol.

Damon:- Finally found a good reason to leave this group.

Caroline:- Come on Damon! It will be fun!

Damon:- No , No , No , No , No ! Did i mention , No !!!

Elena:- Come on Damon !

Damon:- Ugh Fine 🙄.

Rebekah:- So , who is gonna start ?

Caroline:- Me! So Damon---

Damon:- Ugh , why me ?

Caroline:- Listen ! Who is the best kisser in this room ?

Damon:- Easy Peasy , its Elena ;)

Elena:- 😘

Klaus:- Save the PDA for later 🙄.

Damon:- Don't get jealous hybrid 😏.

Caroline:- Okay Damon you next !

Damon:- Stefan , do you still love Elena?

Elena:- Damon----

Stefan:- Yes i do .

Rebekah :- But Elena doesn't love you anymore 😏

Caroline:- Oh shut up blondie 😠.

Stefan:- I believe its my turn . Klaus how was your experience with hayley ?

Klaus:- Do you want me to get beaten up by Elijah?

Stefan:- Just tell us hybrid !

Klaus:- Well , it was average . Not that nice as-------

Hayley:- Nice my foot ! It must
Be the best for you !

Klaus:- Oh please shut up ! I am the one who knows the truth .

Hayley:- Is it so bad that hope
Was born out the bad experience?

Hope:-  mom---

Klaus:- Do not bring Hope into this !

Hope:- Dad---

Hayley:- I will ! She is my daughter !

Klaus :- SHE is not only yours but also mine !

Hope:- Umm---

Hayley:- Hope stay our of this !

Klaus:- Why will she ? Its about her we are talking about !

Hope:- Never mind 😐.

Rebekah:- I didn't even get a chance to play :(

Not one episode is argument free🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️. I just love picture them having these conversations 😂. Please fanpages if you are reading this do not screenshot above pictures and post them as your own do give credits. I was anyways thinking that even if you guys don't comment, i will make a sort of interview type chapter 😊❤️. Fun Fact:- Caroline was married to Tyler in the books and was converted into werewolf and had werewolf children. Hope you all are having a lovely day in this pandemic :) . Follow my pvt @nityaaah  See you all in Next chapter 😊❤️.

~Peace , Nitya ❤️

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