Part 1

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"Tired of Living In Vein"


"Filthy omega get up and start working!" My father Wilbur who was already upstairs shouting at me.

Whenever I wake up late he always yells at me from the basement and calls me filthy for being a low ranking wolf in the pack.

Yes, I'm an omega in this horrible pack called L'manberg with a horrible leader Alpha Schlatt.

Omegas like me are being treated as a low life and nothing but a slave in the pack.

Even my parents Nikki and Wilbur who are both a high class werewolves was disappointed when I was born, I was different from them and so when I started walking and understanding things, they made me do chores and calls me as the bad omen of the family.

It was rare for Warrior wolves to have an omega pup, hence i was always called filthy by my own parents.

"I'm coming." I quickly got up on my dirty and broken bed and rushed upstairs before father beats me again.

Yesterday I got home late because of extra duties in the pack house, father got mad and started beating me, he dragged me towards the basement and threw me in harshly before going back upstairs while locking my door.

I have pack duties ever since I turned 12. The Alpha of the pack made this law that all omegas should start working pack duties at that young age.

It was already 7AM and I still have an hour before my shift in the pack house starts.

As I walked in the living room I saw mother standing and glaring at me for over sleeping. I usually wake up around 5AM to do house chores because she never does them ever since I was born.

I approached her with my head down in submission. I wasn't allowed to look at her in the eye unless said so.

"You're Late Filthy Mutt!" Mother yelled. "How dare you come home late and wake up when the sun has already risen, Do all your chores now before you go to your shift!"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded and scurried off doing my first task.

I got lucky that father was already out to the training halls. He usually does the my beatings. Mother couldn't even bare to touch me because she says that im filthy and had no worth for her to even bother with.

Sometimes it wonders me why didn't they just killed me when they knew I was nothing for them.


As I finally finished my house chores with only 10minutes left to spare, I quickly rushed towards the pack house.

Omegas are never allowed to enter from the front of the pack house, it was only for higher ranking wolves.

Hence why I was now running at full speed hoping to reach the back door and into the back hall before the head Omega gets mad at me and might punish me for being late.

Omegas in this pack has different duties where we are all separated based on what they think we should do.

The head Omega is the one that manages us lower omegas.

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