Part 16

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"Under Attacked"

Karl POV 

Complete darkness has fallen upon the lands of L'manberg. Innocent wolves dying because of a demonic Alpha. Families torn apart and even against each other just to survive.

That place sucks. They killed all of the Omegas, infront of my own eyes. It was terrifying I felt like I couldn't breed.  The air was too thick in scents of blood and the sound of screams and pain filled my ears as I watch what happened.

I gasped as I had awoken so suddenly by that terrible nightmare. Well more like a terrible memory. My mate Sapnap, must have felt me move because he immediately woke up and looked at me. He sat up on the bed and started caressing my head. 

"There, there Karl, it's okay." He said in reassurance. "Was it the same nightmare again?"

"Y-yes.. " I replied. "Ever since that happened I've been feeling like I could have done something to prevent it from happening. I was a guard for gods sake."

"Even if you we're a guard,  it was still just you vs the whole pack Karl." He told me.

"I wish if only I could turn back time and hit rewind." I told him.

"What's done is done Karl, it's time we face whatever is coming." Sapnap replied. 

"You're right.."


Dream POV

Its been 2 days since my best bud Sapnap finally found his mate, and to our surprise he was from the same old pack as George. As Alpha, I gladly accepted him for he was my Beta's mate. 

George is in the kitchen at the moment making breakfast while I'm here in the table waiting in silence while reading a book. Im glad that he has gone over a bit about the news he heard from Karl and that he was able to not blame himself anymore. 

Even though I'm not that interested in claiming L'mamberg for myself but that damn Alpha of theirs really makes my blood boil, what he did to every omega including my mate was pure selfishness and evil. 

"Dreamy, did you set up the table?" George yelled.

"Yeah I did like you always told me." I replied. He usually gets mad at me if I don't setup the table. He said its the least I could do since he was the one cooking.

Grumpy Gogy.

"Breakfast is serve." George said as he placed mine and his plate on the table.  It was bacon and scrambled eggs with fried fice, a delicious and healthy meal in the morning.
"Dig up."

As we both started eating I took glanced around the scenery out of the window. The dining room window was facing the woods which gave me an idea to maybe go for a morning run with my mate. It was a sunday anyways, so we should be good to go.

"Hey love,  how about a morning run after meal?" I asked him. 

George nodded excitedly. "Yes! My wolf would love to run again with yours."

"Same georgy."


After we ate breakfast we then went out through the back door of our house and switched to our wolf form.  George shifted into his dirty white wolf while I shifted into my huge black wolf. Of course, George's wolf was smaller than mine since he is an omega. We Alphas tend to have bigger wolves. 

George made a playful bark at my wolf and we barked back at him.  He then wagged his tail and started circling around us, probably checking us out.  He then made a yipped and sprinted off the woods to which I quickly followed. We were dashing around avoiding tree by tree and skipping through rocks and fallen branches.

I was behind running behind George just incase something might happen, plus the view of my mates wolf butt is cute.

As we made our way to the watering hole to where we first met, George made a stop there and turned to drink some water. I joined him as we both took a sip. He then walked up to me and started rubbing his body on mine which pleased me and my wolf. George was marking us as his by rubbing in his scent. I also did the same and started licking on George's neck, I was temped to mark him here and now.

George must have sensed it cause he immediately broke the moment and giving me out an annoyed bark.  I chuckled in my head as my wolf laid down in front of the watering hole. Not long after, George joined in curling himself up against me.

We were in this position for hours,  cuddling each others wolves and sometimes giving out licks and tease. 

I know its been over a month already after we knew each other, but I still respected what George wants. Since he doesn't wanna get marked and mated yet then I could understand why. 

Both of us we're just sleeping peacefully under the shade of the trees and the cool summer breeze when my wolf suddenly became alert. We sensed that there was someone coming towards us to which we have no idea if its a trespasser or not.  I quickly woke George's wolf up and made him stand behind me just incase. A few minutes of rustling I saw Phil's wolf with Tommy and Tub's
coming forward probably searching for me. 

"Alpha Dream!" Phil said. 

"Phil!  What's the matter? "

"T-the Manbergs!" Tubbo stuttered. 

"We saw them near the outer borders, they brought an army with them." Phil said.

"W-what?" George was shocked to hear the sudden news. "No-no this can't be... "

"Hey hey George it's gonna be okay. We need to hurry back home. Phil you coming with us? "

"Y-yeah also I need my boys to be protected." Phil asked. 

"Of course Phil." I said.  "George I need you to be safe as well. Now let's go."

"We are under attack."

Another Banger :)
Really sorry for the late update, still not feeling well but im trying my best.

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