Part 4

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I'm Determined To Continue
The Story cause im gonna be busy with exam week
so 4 Chapters In 1 Day :)


Anyways Enjoy~
"A Welcoming Family."

George POV

"This is gonna be a long night." I mumbled to myself.

I looked up at the sky seeing beautiful shining bright stars flashing above the earth as I continued my journey down south.

Making sure not to stumble upon other rogues while swiftly maneuvering the deep and dark forest. Luckily for me my wolf can see clearly in the dark.

My old pack must be still busy with the party to even notice my disappearance, which is a good thing considering I wouldn't need to worry that much on being chased.

I learned a few things while traveling the woods. There were a lot of trees that's for sure. Creatures that I've rarely seen and food that any rogue wolf can hunt freely. 

"Maybe being a rogue wouldn't be to bad." I told myself.

Although finding my mate would be great as well. I wonder what she or he will look like.

"I'm not even sure if ever I stumble on a territory my mate is gonna be there or not." I sighed to myself.

Now that I think about it, I am not even sure if I'll get even accepted if ever I stumble on a pack or even just be given the chance by their Alpha in finding my mate.

"Such a dumb hopeless omega." I said to myself.

As I was too busy with my thoughts, that my wolf suddenly picked up a scent of another wolf. Instantly, I stopped and crouched down hoping not to be seen.

Being a white wolf is such a disadvantage when your living in a thick forest.

They were close by the area. I could also hear a stream which means they must be near a river. I sniffed the air one last time before sensing that there were more than just one wolf.

Being dumb as I am, my paws started to walk slowly to the scent. They didn't smell like a rogue nor do they smell like a pack member which I find odd unless they're using some kind of potion. 

As I saw the light from their camp fire I then ducked down to observe the scene in front of me. 

There were two kids maybe around 12 years old. One had a blonde hair and was trying to make the other kid with dark brown hair go with him near the shorelines on the river and an old man with blonde hair that was watching the kids while sitting near the camp fire. 

Trying to process what I'm currently seeing I have made up my mind that they must be nomads.

Nomad werewolves are the people that doesn't want to be a rogue nor be in the pack. They just simply want a normal life living on the borders of their pack.

The old man called the kids over for supper. The blonde boy quickly made it's way while the other one slowly followed not having the same energy as the other one. 

Just as I saw the old man giving out the freshly made soup to the boys I felt my stomach grumble. This must be from all that running earlier. Now that I think about it,  I've been running for 5 hours straight only to stop to drink and eat. Seeing as how the moon is already up high it must be around 9PM. 

(A/N: I have an early time zone :3 )

Sighing to myself I quietly tried to move backwards. Yeah, I 'tried'.


I stepped on a wooden twig. Wow just great, I say to myself. I mentally slapped myself in the head for not being stealthy enough. 

The old mans head turned towards the direction of the sound and started to stand up from the camp fire.

"Come out whoever you are." The old man said.

I only have 2 options here and its either to come out or to dash towards another direction. But my wolf is probably too tired to even run and too hungry to even try. 


3rd POV

George slowly made its entrance out of the bush, slowly walking towards the old man who was still standing there with no expression in his face, suddenly making a big smile and welcoming George to come over

George gave him a tilt on the head, confused to why the old man tried to welcome him. 

"Come join us, your free to shift by the way oh and here are some spare clothes if you want. Don't worry my kids and I wont harm you. My names Phil."

The man named Phil passed the clothes to George who politely took it from his wolf's mouth before turning towards a tree to shift.

He quickly changed into the spare clothes and moves towards the others who were next to the camo fire. 

"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here?  Where did you come from?."


"Now now tommy that's not nice to ask too many questions to the new guy- say what's your name mate?"

"Im George. Im sorry for spying on you guys, I just happen to pass around  the area."

"Are you a rogue?" The browned hair kid asked.

"Well I actually just escaped from my pack. I was hoping to look for my mate." George responded the the kid. 

"Oh well if you want you could try our pack, well we don't really go inside the inner circle but if you want you can go there tomorrow morning. Its kinda already late, you can stay with us for now." Phil politely told him. 

"T-thank you. But are you sure it's okay?" He asked.

This feeling of being welcomed sure is new to George. He never really felt this welcomed in his life. Not even to his old pack.

"Yeah! Me and tommy can keep you company if you like, I'm Tubbo by the way, but you can call me Tubs." The brown boy finally said his name. 

"You must be hungry, here have some soup." Phil gave George the bowl of soup which he accepted. Taking a small sip before giving out the expression of satisfaction. He surely did miss eating hot food. 

"This is awesome! It's been a while since I've eaten soup." George happily told Phil with a big smile in his face.

"Glad you like it kiddo. You should eat more and be ready for tomorrow."

The feeling of being welcomed sure is overwhelming to George. He was glad to be able to meet with this lovely welcoming family of phil and tommy and tubs. It was a calming night for him.

:3 done with this chapter

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