Part 9

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"Our Pack"

3rd POV

"So what do you want to know about me?" Dream asked, as he looked at his sobbed up mate. They were now both sitting in the living room next to each other.

Dream cupped up George's hand gently to reassure him that it's alright to ask whatever he wants to. George looked up to Dream who was staring at him.

Thinking on what he should ask first, he made a slight sigh and began to look elsewhere.

A couple of seconds later he began to speak, "Dream, before I ask about yourself uhm, are you really okay with a mate like m-" before George could even finish the sentence he found Dream squeezing his hand a little harder and spoke, "Of course I am! Or else I would have rejected you from the start George."

"B-but Dream I'm an Omega and-"

"Georgy It doesn't matter." He quickly replied.

"But it does Dream you're an Alpha. Don't you want a much stronger mate?" He hesitantly asked Dream because deep down he was somewhat scared of what Dream would say. Who knows maybe He just accepted George because its what the moon goddess blessed them to be together or maybe he just doesn't wanna get hurt by the mating bond.

"George. I am serious about this. Yeah sure some Alphas would probably reject their mated pair when they found out their other half is an Omega but you need to believe in me George." Dream made sure to be as calm as possible while talking to George. He doesn't wanna make the omega even more doubtful about himself. "Honey, I promise that I won't reject you just because of your rank okay?"

"But how can I be so sure?  Everyone in my pack thinks omegas are weak." George responded. 

"You're not in your old pack George you're with me now. I am here for you cause I'm your mate. I don't know what happened to you before you got herr but whatever the trauma they caused you I swear Its not gonna happen in here George, and also Omegas aren't weak,they just are the most unique creature in all of our werewolf kind, without them I'm not even sure if the pack would survive." Dream reassures George and giving him a compliment about being an Omega which made George chuckle a bit and it made Dream and his wolf satisfied to see him smile again.

"Alright so u-hm. What do you usually do in the pack?" George asked him.

"Well Alpha stuff, you know... Signing papers, going on trainings, run patrols every now and then, and also running the pack business."

"Patrols?  But then why didn't I see any wolf around when I crossed your borders?" George asked in confusion to which he didn't know yet. 

"Oh I installed cameras everywhere in the forest borders. Some are in the village too, just incase. We normally patrol once a week like on mondays."

"Ohh I see, today is Friday correct?"

"Yes actually and today would be a good day to come out of the house and go to the village cause friday afternoons are where most of the pack comes out in prep for camp day." Dream told him. Camp day is where people in the Dream SMP would gather up some supplies and making a big fire pit near the lake just to celebrate their time that they made it till Friday and will be the weekends tommorow. "That sounds nice." George replied.

"It does. It makes people happy and to be able to socialize more with the pack." Dream responded. 

"why don't I give you a walk around the village so that you can see what people are doing today?" Dream suggested

"Does that mean I'm gonna meet other people?"

"Yes you will. And it will also seek you about the difference in our pack and your old one." Dream suggested as George's head tilted to the side,  "our pack?" He asked.

"Yup...Our pack George."

"I love that." George smiled.

Short chapter because I'm currently busy but I wanna keep you guys updated :3
See you soon!

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