Part 18

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Yow!  What is up pups!
First of all you might be wondering why is there 19 parts when there's only up to part 18 (currently)
Well that's because I moved the Short description inside instead of the outer story description :3
Anyways I hope your ready for this chapter :)
"Missing Son and a War."

Dream POV

"They're here!" Skeppy shouted. 

Everyone then started to get into position. Some of the warriors where staying inside the pack house to protect the ones inside. Me, Sapnap and Phil we're outside in our human form waiting as we hear the enemy's footsteps scouring across the fields.

Not a moment later a bunch of them are now in full view. I can see their Alpha coming over the front with what seems to be his Beta and Son. 

"Well well,  Alpha Dream.. It's good to see you again." He said with a harsh spitting tone at the end of the sentence. Clearly he doesn't like me and nether do I.

"Glad to see your still alive at least, Alpha Schlat." I just rolled my eyes at him to make me look more intimidating and to show that I am not afraid to fight. 

"Tsk. Oh Dream, you might be still young, but I should say it's quite impressive of you to take over this pack at such a young age."

"Why thank you Alpha."  

"Too bad, you might not have it for long." He grinned. But I ain't loosing on this conversation that easily.

"Oh really?  How so?  By an old man?" I smirked which made Schlat glared at me even more. Heh clearly i got him with that one.

"How dare you say that my Alpha is an old man you son of a bitch!" Quackity yeld. He was Alpha Schlat's Beta.

"Shut it moron." Sapnap replied. Which made the other Beta even more angry. 

"You shut it you good for nothing Beta." Quackity replied to which Sapnap just made an eye roll.

"Now, now we would be out of your sleeves if you give us what we want Alpha Dream,  say let's do a trade?" Alpha Schlat said. 

"What would that be?" I said. Even though I knew what they we're after.

"My son, Techno found out some information that you might have taken two of my pack members in here. If you could just surrender them to us then we would gladly leave your territory." He said giving out a sinister smile. 

"Techno? As in technoblade?" Phil suddenly stepped in the conversation. 

"Why yes.. Say techno my boy, aren't you gonna say something to your old dad?" Schlat said smirking.

This made a lot people in shock. No one knew that Phil had another son,  not even I myself.

"S-son?" I stuttered. 

"Why yes. You see here Alpha Dream, Phil was once my old beta. Shocking isn't it?" Schlat said. 

"Is this true Phil?" Sapnap added. To which Phil nod. "Yes but we need to focus on this mission first I'll explain later." He just said. 

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