Part 23

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Hey guys!
Hope you enjoy this chapter~
"Coronation and Surprise."

3rd POV

Everyone was getting ready for Techno to step in as the official new Alpha of L'manberg. The throne room spoke royalty, filled with golden decor and a magnificent chandelier. They decorated the room with a sort pink and gold look as well, fit for their new Alpha. Werewolves were gathered chattering as they wait for the ceremony to behold.

The Karl and Sapnap we're busy at the food station, the party hasn't even yet started and they already have their mouths watering over the delicious food. Dream went to see Techno and Phil while George was there talking to Tommy and Tubbo.

George discovered a few things before they went into the throne room to where the coronation will be held. Tje good news is he discovered that they now changed who works in the pack house, and new born omegas are now being treated for as equal. Most of the L'manberg citizen are now happy with their lives and are grateful from the help of the Dream SMP Pack.

The sad news is that his parents, nikki and wilbur fled and abandoned the pack with some of the other pack members because they disagreed on the New L'manberg Rule.

He wondered where they are now but unfortunately no one knew where the other members fled to. George wanted to confront his parents but now he couldn't because they already are gone far off to wherever they went. 

L'manberg is finally at peace with no cruelty and unfair treatment to the members of the pack. 


The bell finally rang signaling its time for the ceremony to be held. Dream will be the one to crown Techno, while Phil will be the one hold and hand over the crown Dream.

Everyone went to take a seat, Karl and Sapnap were together in the front row and next to them were George, Tommy and Tubbo. Dream got inside and went to the side of the throne, then Phil. A few moments later, the two wide doors then opened and comes in Techno wearing his gorgeous royal outfit, everyone got up from their seats, he was walking down thhall with pride and confidence. As he stepped on front of the throne everyone began to take their seats. 

"Greeting everyone in L'manberg. We are gathered here today to celebrate the success, the hard work and the efforts of this man in front of me." Dream spoke. "Techno, Do you swear in loyalty that you as new Alpha of the L'manberg Pack shall oath to protect and serve the Pack?"

Techno then bowed in front of Dream, "I Techno shall apply and to swear to protect and remain loyal to the Pack and the people of L'manberg."

Phil then went next to Dream, giving his the golden crown to signify Techno as the new Alpha of L'manberg. Dream then placed it on Techno's head. 

"I hearby declare Alpha Techno of L'manberg! You shall rise and seek to your subjects."

And with that Techno began to rise and looked at the people behind him, wearing the crown with full confidence, everyone applaud, cheering for the new crowned Alpha, they then all bowed to him in respect. Techno then made a loud howl and everyone in the room joined in. 

"Yessss BIG TTT!!!" Tommy yelled. 

"Yeyy big brother!!" Tubbo said happly. 


After the coronation a party was held and we can see a bunch of werewolves dancing on the dance floor, some are eating and some are talking to one another. Tommy and Tubbo were munching their food on a table while Sapnap and Karl were busy dancing on the dance floor. Dream and George were no where to be found and Phil and Techno were busy talking to some of their pack members. 



Sigh... While everyone was partying after the coronation I went to take a breath outside the pack house. I never really am a fond of big celebrations. I was also thinking about things, like my parents and what happened to them or where they are now. Even though they hurt me a lot, I still hope to meet them again.

The full moon today sure is breath taking. I was at the gardens behind the pack house, I've only seen this place once when I assisted one of my fellow Omegas in hanging laundry. It's my first time stepping into this place. The cold breeze passed through my nose, I can tell that it's almost time for fall.

I suddenly met a pair of green eyes looking at me from the distance. I of course already knew who it was. Dream came up to me and sat beside me on the grass.

"Hey hon... I saw you left earlier..." He said, and I hummed in response. He got closer to me enough for me to rest my head on his arms, he made small circles on my back while looking at the full moon. "What's the matter Georgy?" He asked. 

"Sigh... I'm just not a fond of parties..." I told him. 

"Same, I usually make excuses when I'm invited to one..." Dream chuckled.

"Wow, an Alpha who makes excuses..." I laughed and he snobbed at me. "Whatever.."

Both of us then laughed at each other, starring at the moon that was shining down upon us.

"It sure is nice today..." Dream said. 

"Mhm, the cold breeze also makes this tight outfit breathable." I told him.

"Well that's because we're both wearing suits." He smiled. "The skies are pretty blue as well..."

"Yeah, kinda remembers me of something..." I told him. "Like the day that we met."

"Under the night blue sky..." He said.

Both of us were gazing at each other. It was like that time when Dream and I first met. I closed my eyes seeing as Dream was slowly nearing for my face, we then shared a passionate kiss together. Dream cupped up my ass positioning me on his lap while continuing the kiss. I grabbed onto his shoulders, I was now on top of him. We stopped to catch our breaths before we continue to kiss each more aggressively.

He broke the kiss after a while, staring into my eyes, he smiled and made both of us stand.

"George..." He said.

"Yes Dreamy?" I asked.

Dream suddenly did something surprising, he went to grab a small box that was in his pants. Suddenly kneeling on one leg, he spoke.

"Will you marry me?"

My eyes began to tear, dream was holding a box that was opened and in it was a necklace with a moon crest in it symbolizing the day we first met.

"Yes... Yes.. Yes yes YESS!" I shouted. Then hugging dream tightly and he did the same. 

We both got on our feet and he went and placed the beautiful necklace around my throat.

"I love you George..." and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you too Dream..."

YEY! <3
By the way guys we are finally 2 chapters away from the ending of this story.
I admit that I never really planned to make this long because it was just meant to be a short fanfic.
Thank you guys so much for reading up till now ^_^

See ya next chapter !

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