Part 11

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Hello Peps!  So before I start with this chapter Lemme just say THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU GUYS SUPPORT <3
Also I read the comments you gave me y'all and It really made my day cause you guys are hilarious xD
Shoutout to the people I replied to <3
Anyways Lezgo~
"Meeting the pack"

3rd POV

The sun is finally setting and people around the village are now starting to gather for the said Camp Day. Stores are now closing and families are now outside their houses to which they would interact with the other pack members and just have relaxing and fun time with them under the night blue sky around the camo fires that they made.

Many are now beginning to prepare the big long table to where people will be placing whatever kind of food they want to share with the entire pack which was all voluntarily made by the pack villagers. Children are now beginning to run and play around the camp fire while parents and other adult wolves are interacting with each other. 

The Dream SMP pack is consist of over a thousand werewolves hence why there were more than 5 camp fires setup and was spread out around the camp area which was a big plains area in the Dream SMP.


As Dream and George walked out from their house and making their way to the camp site, a few people starred at them but mostly at George for they have never seen him before.  Dream stopped as they finally made it to their destination. He looked around and saw a lot of people who were kinda curious about George and even a few males looking at him. This made both Dream and his wolf pissed but mostly his wolf because they don't want other males to look at him or dare check their mate out. 

He looked at George and saw that he was uncomfortable with people starring at him unintentionally so he decided to mild link hos pack not to stare and wait for him to announce something important. 

Immediately after word spreads the people then looked away from them to which made George sigh in relief while kinda a bit dumbfounded to why they suddenly looked the other way. 

"Don't worry hon, I asked all of them to not stare at you and be patient when I give them the special announcement." Dream told George.

"Special announcement?"

"Yeah. I'll be introducing you to the pack today." He calmly responded, but George on the other hand seemed to look tensed up. "You okey love?" Dream asked. "Y-yeah j-just a bit nervous."

"You don't need to be-"

"DREAMMM GEORGEE!" before Dream could even finish the sentence, both of them were greeted by none other than Skeppy and Bad who both brought a basket full of muffins in their hands.  Bad placed it down and ran towards George giving him a bro hug to which made George stunned at how friendly Bad can be. Meanwhile Skeppy simply took what Bad left behind and walked towards Dream, greeting him before he spoke, "Hey man wassup?"

"Better than the usual." Dream kindly responded.

"Yes you guys are here! Omg George Im so excited when Dream mind linked everyone that he was gonna introduce you to the pack today!" Bad announced.

"He told everyone in the mind link?!" George saud while a bit freaked out.

"Yes! Which is why I'm soo excited!" Bad exclaimed.  "Calm down my overrated Omega." Skeppy added to which Bad responded, "Skepppyy... What do you mean overrated?!" Bad pouts. 

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