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Wazzup Yows!
Yes I'm Back! And since a lot of you are giving good comments on my book, so why not give ya another short chapter ;)
"Naughty Dream"

3rd POV

-----------5 YEARS LATER----------

"Remember to be careful honey, and watch out for your sister okay?" George said to his son.

"I will mama, and don't worry it's just uncle sappy and aunt karl." He replied.

"But still, be careful." George said. Kissing the boy's forehead and then to her daughter. "Now you too darling don't over do on playing again understand?"

"Yes moma!" Her daughter replied happily.

Just then someone familiar came into view just right at their front door. Sapnap waved at George and then went straight to the kids greeting them.

"Hey kiddos! Ready to go for a picnic?"He asked.

"Yes!" Both the kids said in unison.

"Where's Karl and your two kids?" George asked.

"They already went at the spot because the kids we're to excited." Sapnap said.

"Oh alright, well take care of them for me."

"Will do, and take care of Dream as well. Good luck." Sapnap winked, before taking the kids outside their house and off to go on a picnic.

George sighs, yesterday Dream went on running for 2 hours under the stormy rain and ended up having a cold and a fever. He was enjoying too much of running around the rain and started to get a cold.

George slowly walked upstairs while bringing a glass of water and some pills to their room. While opening the door he found Dream sitting on the bed instead of laying down, he went next to him while still holding the medication Dream needed.

"Hey Dreamy."

"Hey love, sorry I couldn't send the kids off." He said.

George passed the glass of water to Dream. "It's alright love, and here drink these it's for your fever." He said. Dream drank the water and pills without hesitation.

"You should go back to bed you're not better yet and you need rest." George commanded.

"Alright mama." Dream teased.

"Ugh jeesh.. "

"I know you like it when I call you that." He winked and George blushed a little.

"Stop it Dream you're still not better. Go back to sleep I'll be cleaning the kitchen." George told him, but before he could go Dream took his hamd and forcefully pinned him on the bed, now Dream on top of him.

"Hmmm, but I'm hungry though." Dream said while caressing George's legs.

George let out a seductive whine, his focused now on Dreams hands roaming freely on his body.

"Dream, you need to rest." He said while starting to get frustrated.

"C'mon Georgy... Let me have my food." Dream whispered in his ear which made George blush hard sending sparks all over his body and to his mate.

"Y-you already did." George answered, but Dream didn't listen and started kissing George on the lips. George tried to resist it but failed and started to kiss Dream back. The two ended up on making a love session for a good hour.


An hour has passed and both of them were now cuddling each other on bed. George hugged Dream like a teddy bear while Dream was laying there satisfied by their make out session.

"Oh Dreamy...." George sighs.


"You're so naughty."

"Hehe glad I am."

Hehe like the short chapter? 😁
Oh and Thank You Guys! Because of you this book was able to get 42K reads! ^_^


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