Part 25

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Anyways Here Is The Final Chapter!



"Is that everything I needed to sign?" I asked Sap.

"Pretty much. Damn that was tiring..." He said. 

"Oh what about Techno's invitation for his wedding?" I asked.

"I already sent a letter of response no worries."

"That's good." I sigh. 

Both of us were busy signing a lot of papers in the office, and it was finally time to go home.

"Welp at least now that we're done, I can go home to my mate." Sapnap yipped. 

"Same, oh by the way how's Karl doing with your 1st born?" I asked. 

"He's doing fine, tired not gonna lie with all the crying every night." Sap lazily replied. "But she's really beautiful like my mate, her eyes are the same as mine but the face definely Karl's."

"Good to know buddy." I said. "We should get going home now,  don't want my mate to be cranky again for being late." I chuckled.

"Yep, same..." Me and Sapnap laughed.  We both headed outside of the pack house and waved each other goodbye going to our separate ways home.

I went to Bad's bakery to buy some muffins and saw Bad and Skeppy's twin helping Bad placing bread on the baskets. One had a rare colored blue eyes and the other one the same as Skeppy's. They both have a browned colored hair like bad but the same color skin as Skeppy. 

"Hey Alpha Dream! Need some muffins again?" Bad asked.

I nod, "Yep, gotta bring some home before George tries to kill me."

"Pfft. Muffin head George ain't gonna kill ya Alpha he is your mate after all. It's just what happens when you know." Bad commented.

"Yeah I know... But this is even worst than the first you know?" I huffed. 

"You'll get used to it Alpha, anyways that'll be all you need?" He asked.

"Yup, Thanks Bad!  Oh and you kids are doing a good job!" I told them.

"Thank you Alpha Dream!" The twins cheered and both said it in unison. 

I walked outside of the bakery and continued my way home with the muffins I brought. As I was now in the entrance to our house I can already feel George's presence just right at the door.  I opened it and saw him in his wolf form looking straight right at me with a serious wolf face.

"Hey love, I'm home."

He huffed in returned and got back to the place where he started nesting a few days ago. Basically George is now carrying our 2nd pup and whenever a pregnant mate is around 2 months with their pregnancy they start building this kind of comfy nest. It's like their wolves instinct cause he's nearing labor at any time of the month.

George was surrounding himself with lots of pillows and some blankets and even my clothes.

I went and shifted into my wolf as well, grabbing the muffins on my mouth and getting near to my moody mate. He was looking at my every move and was giving me huffs and small growls every now and then.

When I got closer I was finally able to see my 1st pup sleeping on it's protective mother's belly. I expended the muffin to George hoping his wolf would like it and would make me get closer to them. He sniffed it and started to eat it then indicates that he's satisfied and that i can come to the nesting place. I went over and wrapped myself over George's form, licking this snout and forehead and nibbling on his ear.  He happily lets me while he closes his eyes.

After a bit of cuddling our first born woke up and started to open up his little green eyes. Immediately,  he started to yelp and cheer.

"Papa!" He yelled.

I got up went to the hallway and shifted back to my human form, I quickly changed the clothes I had earlier and went back to pick up our son.

"Papa! Up!" He said while raising his small adorable hands. He had my eyes and the color of my hair, while other features he got from his mama. 

"Hey there bud, did you have a good rest?" I asked.

"Yup! Baby in mama go rubby mama's belly when papa gone." He tried to tell me.

"Hahaha, you mean did the baby kicked mama's belly?" I asked and the younger nodded. I kissed hil little nose while playful rising him up in the air. George was watching me and backed probably to tell me to be careful.

"Wanna help papa make dinner?"



A little while later after just finishing cooking a meal, a hungry George stepped in now in his human form wearing my Pj's.

"Dream where's the food!" He asked.

"Right here honey."

"Hungry!" He yelled.

"I know." I chuckled. "Now come here and eat."

George immediately sat down and I went to serve him a plate. I now placed our son on a baby chair next to me who was busy playing with the peels from the veggies.

"I still cook better than you Dreamy." George commented.

"Well that's because you are good at it Georgy." I teased.

"Shut up." He said, and I gave out a good chuckle.

We both continued eating while also feeding our son who was happily murmuring stuffs while eating his delicious veggies.

He is already 3 years old and is about to become a big brother in half a months time.

Skeppy and Bad also got married a year after me and George, now having a twin that's already 5 years old because me and George didn't want to have kids straight away yet.

While Karl and Sapnap also got married 2 years after Skeppy and Bad and finally they have their first born who's only 7months. 

Techno is getting married soon to his wonderful mate he met in another pack.

Everyone is in good terms and are now living their own happy life.

"Thank you George..." I told him.

"For what?" He asked.

"For giving me happiness in life."

The final Chapter!
Thank you soo much for reading all the way through!
Till next time! 


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