Part 20

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Heyyo My Pups! I'm back xD
I took a break because I had a few things I needed to do on my hobby and at school.
Sorry if this is going to be a short chapter, if ever :3
Anyways~ Enjoy!
"Please Wake Up."

Dream POV

"Dream...Oh Dream..." Whispers can be heard all over the place. I was currently in a lovely flower field just sitting and admiring the view, My wolf was also there laying down on the soft comfy grass. "This must be what my wolf sees when I'm not i full form." I thought to myself. "Dream... Wake up..." That voice again, it keeps whispering to me, It sounded so  familiar, but I couldn't put my mind on who it is, I was to focused on the peaceful scenery.

I starred at my wolf for a bit, he was still sleeping, tucked into a ball. After the battle, the last thing I remembered was collapsing behind Sapnap after Techno killed his own father. I wonder how's George doing, I miss him. Being stuck in here might be relaxing, but I have a pack to run and a mate waiting for me.

"Dream... I miss you..."


George POV

It's been 3 days already since the war ended, just how long is he going to sleep. The medic said that he should be healing quicker since he's an Alpha, but damn 3 days is still too long Dream needs to wake up already. 

Knock. Knock. 

I wonder who could it be, last time Bad and Skeppy came here to visit. They brought Tommy and Tubbo with them as well telling me the news about Phil who was in the other emergency room. They said Techno was surprisingly here as well, hearing Schlat's son here was weird but I don't wanna focus on something else other than Dream for now.

"Hey George it's me Sapnap and Karl."

I told them to come inside and they did so. Karl was holding a basket while Sapnap waved at me. 

"How's Dream?" Sap asked.

"The medics said he's gonna wake up soon." I told him.

"That's great!  I got some muffins from Bad today, do you want some?" Karl asked.

"Sure I can eat." I gladly accepted the muffin he gave me, then gave some to Sapnap. The three of us ate there while Dream was still unconscious on the bed.

"Speaking of, do you know that Phil had another son?" Sapnap announced which surprised me. Karl remained unchanged and continued eating his muffin.

"Really?  Who is it?" I asked Sapnap. 

"Oh it's no other than Techno." Hearing that almost made me choke and Karl there still not reacting to it.

"W-what? No way, how? When?" I was asking so many questions. How come Techno the son of Schlat be the son of Phil?  It doesn't make sense. 

"Well Techno isn't really Schlats son, he was just a kid when Schlat kicked Phil out of L'manberg and adopted Techno not knowing what really happened and believed the Phil left him to Schlat." Sapnap said.

"It was awful..." Karl spoke. 

"Yeah it is.." I told them. Schlat was really cruel.


Karl, Sapnap and I we're talking for like an hour about what happened until they decided to go and do the rest of their days. While Dream is asleep Sapnap took over as leading role of the pack, until Dream wakes up and is fully healed. 

"Oh dream... Please wake up... " I looked at him and took his hand, placing a kiss on his head while caressing his soft blonde hair.

Thats all for today guys!  Just to keep you updated :3
Really sorry 😅

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