Side Story 1

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"Momma, Gale took my ball again!" Denise complained as he runs towards the kitchen to see his mother cooking with his father.

"Gale honey, give the ball back to your brother!" Dream shouted, as he cuts the rest of the potatoes.

"Denise, just let your sister have it for a few minutes." George suggested as he places the cut potatoes in the pot.

"But I don't wanna, she has her own toys momma!" Denise protested.

"Dream why don't you take the kids for a run?" George asked, looking at his mate to see the alpha look a bit hesitant.

"Yes run! I wanna go for a run please please please papa!" Gale yelled, coming inside the kitchen as she heard her mom's suggestion.

"Runs are boring, momma can you come?" Denise said, pleading his mother.

"I can't come with you, I need to finish dinner." George replied, putting the lid on the pot as it starts to boil from the heat.

"Uh George, I don't think its a good idea to take them out for now." Dream said, scratching his head as his mate rolled his eyes.

"I know you don't want to because of the weather, but just go and let your wolf take over. He'll watch over our kids." George asked, knowing that Dream's wolf was just listening to their conversation.

"He said alright he'll watch over our kids." Dream sighs, telling the kids to follow him as they headed outside the back door. The season of winter hits them, as the pack was filled with white snow.

"Don't run far off from your dad kids." George commanded, as Denise and Gale nod their heads.

"I love you baby, I'll see you later." George whispered into Dream's ear as he gives him a quick peck before the three started shifting, forgetting to take their clothes off as it rips into pieces.

Dream's wolf stood there, eyes piercing through his mates figure as George gave the wolf a kiss on the snout. Giving the omega a low growl as he barked at his pups who's playing with the snow.

Gale's wolf had a dirty white colored fur similar to his mother George, as Denise had a more darkish fur that looks like his father.

The three of them descended, Dream running slowly behind the pups as the two raced to which of them reach the watering hole first.

Gale was a pretty fast runner, she was much more stronger and more physically fit than her brother at a young age. Indicting George and Dream that their daughter could possibly be an Alpha.

Denise was the opposite, as he shows signs of how Omegas would act and do. He was more attached to George than to his father as well, helping his mother in house work and joining in on his mother's time with uncle Bad and uncle Karl.

They continued running in circles around the pack, catching a few breaths before they began to run once more. Dream ended up carrying his son on their back home as he was worn out from all the challenges they did with his sister.

"Momma were home!" Gale shouted, running inside naked as they shifted back.

"Baby get change quickly." George said, telling his daughter to go upstairs as he finds his son in wolf form and Dream shifted.

"He's tired and fell asleep on the way." He said, placing his son down on the cushions as he leans his head towards his mate, giving him a kiss.

"You need to change too Dreamy..." George purred, before backing away, stepping into the kitchen as Dream remained there standing in the living room, before he drags himself upstairs to change.

Soon enough, denise woke up from Gale's blabbing as she calls out for his brother to dinner.

His mother already placed a pair of clothes for him on the cushion as he shifted back to his human form. Changing before he steps into the dinning room to see his father already sitting in place, Gale walking up to her seat and his mother putting the last of the meal on the table.

"Come on Denise, food is ready." George said, smiling at his adorable son's face.

"Yey food!" Gale exclaimed, as she excitedly took the fork and spoon on her hands, greedily waiting to dig in.

Denise sat next to his father at an empty seat as George gave the go and they started eating dinner. Dream talking about how he's planned on taking a day off as George rolled his eyes playfully while teasing the Alpha on such a lame excuse.

Laughing and enjoying their meal as the family of four lived peacefully within their pack.


Short Story :)

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